Jul 13, 2018 Please, I’m twice the man you are with 4x he d-ck. I’d whoop your goofy Holocaust denting a---.
Jul 13, 2018 The Russians castrated the Nazi's and stuck it in their mouth when they caught them...they will make great allies
Jul 13, 2018 Just seems like you secretly feel this Mueller thing won't turn out like you hoped so the ace up your sleeve is "lol it's a conspiracy anyway" Aren't you confident enough in your argument that the investigation will prove you right anyway? Feels like you're expecting things to go south
Jul 13, 2018 All speech is Free Speech, and Free Speech is a fundamental right of humanity. No, I don't. Just the opposite.
Jul 13, 2018 then can we all shake hands and sign a treaty that the outcome and judgement of the Mueller investigation is final? Just don't want anyone going back on their word here since both sides are so arrogantly convinced they're right
Jul 13, 2018 Hey man my car was towed and my doc appointment plus script ends up being like 200. U still sending free money to users?
Jul 14, 2018 No one likes him, he poisons debates here, he stalks members and is just a general nuisance. And the forum shouldn’t tolerate bs nazi scum like him