Feb 22, 2018 I saw you mention me in the thug thread *blushes* get me a KTT acct and I'll foreal s--- your d-ck on the spot no h---
Feb 22, 2018 For the longest time 2012-2014 ID get weird error messages saying registration is closed at this time but I'd still see new accts. One time I was allowed to register and was waiting admin approval never got approved. I think a Drake sxn mod I knew from ovoforums banned my IP address too cause I got a banned message once saying "for lying to a Drake sxn moderator" or something along those lines despite me never having a KTT acct but there was one that frequented ovof I finessed out of "Young Thug - Friend of Scotty" and then leaked it. I only saw that message for a lil while now the last couple years it's the same run around with Registration closed. I BEEN LURKING FOR ALMOST 6 FULL f---ing YEARS
May 5, 2018 Was actually 91 (93 if you include OG You Said & tomorrow til infinity) I forgot a f---ing DJ khaled song Thug had a verse on