Apr 27, 2018 at first I thought what eminem was doing was weird but I realized he revolutionized the selfie game! Lately I’ve been posting to Facebook these pics you can barely see me and my friend. And I hashtag selfie and a goat emoji. It’s kinda funny. I can’t believe Eminem revolutionized the selfie game! Genius!
Apr 27, 2018 I haven't taken a selfie since 2013. It's just cringy no matter how you do it, unless you're famous or you meet somebody famous.
Apr 27, 2018 I don't know. I guess I'm old fashioned. I would only take a selfie if I came across something incredibly interesting. But taking selfies randomly when you do every day stuff is just so f---ing basic. I'm not judging people when they take selfies, but I can't take one of myself unironically and not cringe to death afterwards, when I post it on social media.
Apr 27, 2018 Angry Blonde to Angry Black here to take the whole family back with stabby facts like knifes in ur fanny pack....
Apr 27, 2018 How about weird? Cause it is. How vain can people be, that they want to post pictures of themselves so bad they cant wait for a genuine photo op.
Apr 30, 2018 Lol just checked them out. He's cool. But at least Em invented the #selfie and Goat emoji
Apr 30, 2018 Haha funny that you mention this because actually I have been doing this since I saw Em doing it. Pretty funny. I showed my mom (also a big eminen Revival fan) and we've been doing funny selfies since.