May 4, 2020 100% certainty at least one of the top four are true. Especially when you throw @Koolo in the mix. I would guess it's very very probable he at least lurked, or casually registered/posted.
May 4, 2020 100%, without a doubt he lurked & didn’t post much. His love for Eminem’s music soon transcended into infatuation for him which heavily outweighed the former. His obsession probably led him down an extremely dark path to the point where he thought the only way to escape was to meet Marshall himself. I hope Em beat the f--- out of him & now he gets some help
May 4, 2020 Maybe this whole time CSA wasn’t a dumbass from another country speaking broken English, but was actually just that stalker tweaking out on m--- and his brain couldn’t function. And, no, I don’t think CSA is a dumbass because he’s from a different country. I think he’s a dumbass because his opinions are awful.
May 4, 2020 Not sure. I think someone that obsessed w eminem would have sent multiple death threats to certain posters on here lol
May 4, 2020 Probably one of the many stans that immediately floods this place whenever there's a new Em song, piece of news or whatever..