Oct 1, 2021 That's cause it's the cool thing to make fun of Eminem now and I get people don't like his music as much anymore and that's fine but hip hop social media is f---ing unbearable whenever news that includes him pops up lol
Oct 1, 2021 just dont know why Snoop & Mary J are on this as well. feels a of bloated list with them Should have just added 50. But Dre doesnt like 50 imo
Oct 1, 2021 Thing is, what can they do in 12mins? It's gotta be a mash up of the hits surely? Nothing but a G Thang, Still DRE, Forgot about Dre etc for half of it. Kendrick hit like Humble maybe. But what relevance is MJB? I'm guessing Dre will be premiering a new single with her on the hook. All we know right now is that its going to be a f---ing intense 12mins. Also, half time adverts are HUGE aren't they. What if that's where all new music is advertised and the concert is just the hits?
Oct 1, 2021 Not a single person on my timelines mentioning this at all lol #pepsimusic #detox #pepsiplays like lol wtf
Oct 1, 2021 The joke is the people hyped up over a 12 minute Pepsi sponsored half time show lmfao. As f----- in the head as Kanye stans
Oct 1, 2021 I don't have the illusion of them going to create the same buzz like they did during the Up In The Smoke Tour but if they perform the right songs, that are actually well known, it could be a good performance. Can go the complete oppsosite way too, besides Kendrick there is no one in this line up, that a younger audience will care about. And I highly doubt that the audience will be full of hip hop heads who prefer those out of breath elders over current Hip Hop or Pop artists. I think it's a good call that Dre included Kendrick and Mary J Blige. Having a beautiful voice and a current rap superstar in his lineup is a good way to play it safe.
Oct 1, 2021 Interesting to see what they will perform and how all five of them are going to take place in those 12 minutes
Oct 1, 2021 Aww sheeit. Only thing that would make this better is if 16*29 perform at the 2023 Superbowl Halftime, betch.