Feb 12, 2025 Idk if the "twitter fingers" line aged like bread or like wine, this mf does EVERYTHING but rap
Feb 12, 2025 This is the first time Joe Budden has actually came across as funny. Lol weekend at bernies
Feb 12, 2025 I hated Drake as a person before this beef lol maybe I am exaggerating a bit in saying he CAN’T make good music but for whatever reason he just doesn’t for the most part. He rarely drops a song that’s above a 6/10 these days
Feb 12, 2025 It’s funny I find that everybody who talks about being “unbiased” is usually on Drake’s side and acts like they aren’t lol it’s cool tho
Feb 12, 2025 Maybe you don’t like who it’s coming from but he’s 100% right about Drake lmao. I thought we were being unbiased?
Feb 12, 2025 It’s fine if you’re on Drake’s side just say that then. Idk why we gotta sit here and pretend we’re unbiased. Yeah maybe we are unbiased when talking about the quality of songs during the beef (Pushups and Family Matters was dope even though I like Kendrick better) but come on, I think most of us like one rapper more than the other and that’s fine to admit.
Feb 12, 2025 What, you think Drake Fell Off? Just cuz he don’t got SZA to call Now he reads hate mail all day, And The streams are dwindling Nah, The boy ain’t having that One more Diss track, and yall can laugh But I just got a collab with Sexy Red’s a---
Feb 12, 2025 A dude who talks bs but never responds to disses (unlike Eminem and Drake who do) needs to shut up imo. Doesn't matter to me who he talks about at all... just he's a lowlife that sits around making podcasts as a 60 year old while others actually drop music
Feb 12, 2025 At least I am open about my bias. You’re too scared to say you’re on Drake’s side for some reason. You act like you’re unbiased yet you’re defending Drake on this forum every chance you get and never defending Kendrick. Seems pretty biased to me. Your actions do not line up with your words. I don’t get why you gotta be a p---- about it. It’s okay though, you’re not the only one. Is it because y’all are scared people will say y’all are on the side of a pedo?
Feb 12, 2025 I don't think anyone realistically thinks Drake won the beef, but he didn't really get stomped either. He mostly buried himself. Kendrick though has become like Em in the fact that a lot of his stans think every thing he does is amazing and he walks on water. It gets insufferable. Even Budden is one of them. This is him when the setlist leaked and he didn't think it was real and then this week: This is basically his fan base right now and it's extremely annoying. I think you're misinterpreting people's biases and that they just don't think every thing the guy does is innovative or special. Most people can separate music from the artist. I wouldn't want to hang out with either of these guys irl but I like their music. Neither has put out anything great in a minute tho imo but I'll still check out both their albums whenever they put new music out
Feb 12, 2025 You’re also one of the people that seem biased to me, but maybe I am also misinterpreting that. I agree that Kendrick’s fanbase is getting annoying, but so is Drake’s. I realize not everything Kendrick does is innovative or special. I separate art from the artist which is why I still sometimes listen to Drake and will be checking out this new album. I liked No Face from Drake just to mention a new release I like. It’s just that I see people on this forum defending Drake all the time and then they say they’re unbiased which doesn’t make sense to me. But oh well it’s not a big deal at the end of the day
Feb 12, 2025 I haven't been defending Drake that I can remember after the beef? I always thought he lost. Have I been criticizing Kendrick a lot? Yes, because most of the threads are about Kendrick or people are talking about him and how amazing he is. If someone made a thread about Drake being the 2nd coming of Jesus I would also talk s---
Feb 12, 2025 Nah, Joe has a valid excuse cause he retired ages ago at this point, Drake's still active and being clowned on by the entire planet, no excuse not to rap and whine about it on social media instead. I don't even want him to reignite the beef or anything like that cause it'd be embarrassing by now, Kendrick's won in any way you wanna see it, but at the very least try to show some pride in your craft no? Rapping's your job, address all this s--- on wax yeah? Don't even get me started on the lawsuit s---
Feb 12, 2025 Fax. also I think Drake’s whole “plottwistttt” finsta is so corny and is something a grown man should not be doing