Eminem - MTBMB: Side B

Started by Xmipod, Aug 3, 2020, in Hall of Fame Add to Reading List

Is it dropping tonight?

Poll closed Dec 18, 2020.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. rockinwhiz
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    rockinwhiz Loaded

    Dec 26, 2020
    I mean, I love Alfred's Theme, it's fun and a great song. But it's not slim shady. It's a funny Eminem. One person here wants slim shady(think 48yo Em putting his butt on someone's face). Please no.
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    Sep 11, 2024
  2. The Real Slim Shady
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Did you ask Santa nicely?
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    Sep 11, 2024
  3. Mandalorian
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    Mandalorian This is the Way!

    Dec 26, 2020
    His voice and his image got better and better, starting in 1997 and in 2005 he reached perfection. It was Perfect Eminem.

    I can listen to any of his albums, from 1997 to 2011 without any problems. But since 2013, he began to do something that I often can't listen to. This is not music, this is not rap. I don't even know what it is at all.

    He honed his skills from 97 to 2005. In 2005 he made songs with a classic sound, even when farting and burping. His 2005 fart sounds better than any song he has released in the last couple of years.

    He can literally release an EP with unreleased fart and burp sounds from 2005 and it will sell more than SIDE B.

    Jesus, this track sounds a million times better than any of his s--- he's released in recent years.
    Sep 11, 2024
  4. Loading Relapse 2
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Well, he's 48 now lol that would be... Awkward
    Sep 11, 2024
  5. Mandalorian
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    Mandalorian This is the Way!

    Dec 26, 2020
    Encore (Deluxe) > MMLP2 (Deluxe) + MTBMB (Deluxe)
    Sep 11, 2024
  6. joeyp363
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Wtf is going on in here?
    Sep 11, 2024
  7. Jerome
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Off topic but I had the biggest crush on that girl when I was a kid. Always thought it was hailie, but it seems like I was wrong.

    I seriously wonder how she looks now.
    Sep 11, 2024
  8. Mandalorian
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    Mandalorian This is the Way!

    Dec 26, 2020
    of course
    Sep 11, 2024
  9. WindowPane
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    WindowPane You'll never ketchup..

    Dec 26, 2020
    We need new music already.
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    Sep 11, 2024
  10. Bojack
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Disney really f----- you over
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    Sep 11, 2024
  11. DeathOfDeezNuts69
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    Dec 26, 2020
    Hate to burst your bubble but the year is 2020 - we are in the midst of a pandemic and a struggle for world dominance. It's been 15 years since 2005 my friend, get with the times.
    Sep 11, 2024
  12. Jerome
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    Dec 26, 2020
    That Discombobulated outro is badass

    20 ...... and ........50
    Sep 11, 2024
  13. Marsh
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    Marsh #TDOSS #BuyTheAlbumAgain #MakeEminemGreatAgain2x

    Dec 26, 2020
    Shaving his face is just gonna make us see his melting face profuct of his age and all the stuff he used to take.
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    Sep 11, 2024
  14. Marsh
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    Marsh #TDOSS #BuyTheAlbumAgain #MakeEminemGreatAgain2x

    Dec 26, 2020
    My bad, I thought he sold more first week for some reason
    Sep 11, 2024
  15. Marsh
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    Marsh #TDOSS #BuyTheAlbumAgain #MakeEminemGreatAgain2x

    Dec 26, 2020
    I really need mature content back, he will most likely never drop another classic talling about his ball hair and stuff like that, unless it's fully produced by Dre lol
    Sep 11, 2024
  16. Mandalorian
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    Mandalorian This is the Way!

    Dec 26, 2020
    The funny thing is that 99% of the members of this forum do not understand one simple thing that Eminem's most popular album in the last few years is not Kamikaze, not MTBMB and oh god, not even Revival.

    His most popular album in the last few years is Curtain Call, which came out 15 years ago in 2005.

    So if he comes back to 2005 style, he will release a better selling and more successful album than what we've heard in recent years.

    His 2005 album has been more successful in recent years than his new albums. Do you understand this at all?

    Sep 11, 2024
  17. Red
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    Red Everybody Love Everybody

    Dec 26, 2020
    Framed was the best song off Revival.

    Discombobulated was kind of in the same vein, but the first verse was too coherent for being “discombobulated” and the chorus is godawful.

    But it’s nice to see he still has that side to him. Relapse was the last real “Slim Shady” album.
    Sep 11, 2024
  18. Marsh
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    Marsh #TDOSS #BuyTheAlbumAgain #MakeEminemGreatAgain2x

    Dec 26, 2020
    Just dropping a single before the album would make him have a number 1 song again. It's not like we asking for something impossible. That would let people know he's about to drop and maybe even get him some buzz and radio play.
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    Sep 11, 2024
  19. Marsh
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    Marsh #TDOSS #BuyTheAlbumAgain #MakeEminemGreatAgain2x

    Dec 26, 2020
    Don't blame the pandemic. Some artists had a great year and have been everywhere, like The Weeknd for example.
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    Sep 11, 2024
  20. Mandalorian
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    Mandalorian This is the Way!

    Dec 26, 2020
    Discombobulated > MMLP2 (Deluxe) + Kamikaze + MTBMB (Deluxe)

    This track really resembles a classic sound from the 2000s.
    If Eminem can use a classic 2000s voice, why doesn't he do the whole album with his classic 2000s voice?
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    Sep 11, 2024
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