Eminem - The Death of Slim Shady (OUT JULY 12th!)

Started by RetiredAccount, Dec 6, 2020, in Eminem Add to Reading List

Houdini; what do you think?

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  1. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:08 PM

    China is still communist btw. They uplifted 850 million people out of poverty in 40 years, an unprecedented human achievement, where people dedicated their lives to help those in rural communities have access to basic human needs, ended cyclical famines. They have controlled the markets to where they have gone almost 50 years without a recession, have the largest middle class in the world, have a 95% government approval rate according to a Harvard study, have the 2nd largest political party in the world boasting 100 million members, are the only country in the world taking climate change head on despite being the world’s manufacturing base. Hasn’t fought a war in 50 years & that was only a border clash, they don’t do adventurism like the West. There are plenty more historic achievements I would be here all day listing.

    Hilarious AI botlike takes from Chuny, communism has always improved the conditions that preceded it. From basic needs like healthcare, education, water, food, housing, land reform, workers rights etc. Imperialism stifles progress on purpose. Former CIA agents have gone on record time & time again stating the need to subvert these nations to prevent them from being an alternative to the masses.

    This so-called “Freedom” people talk about is intangible. There’s nothing more freeing than a society that takes care of your needs so you can spend time on your wants, rather than individual survival. Also, how about leaving them alone & see how they prosper?

    The richest country in the world (USA) in charge of the most successful empire to ever exist should not have people dying en masse from malnutrition, homelessness, mass drug overdoses, generalised poverty to the point of normalisation, police forces where the city’s are equivalent to national standing armies, extreme levels of social instability, agent provocateurs & psyops everywhere, constant foreign meddling etc. How free is a nation where healthcare is treated as a trading commodity, where elections are bought & corruption is legal & labelled as “lobbying”?

    Countries like the USA & other imperialist nations rely on extracting resources & cheap labour from poorer nations like vampires, whereas communist nations attempt self-sufficiency, try to create a sustainable society without the need to subjugate other peoples.

    If we want to go deeper, “real” capitalism hasn’t existed since 1929, most nations practice a form of bourgeois socialism now where the state props up business & the working class gets some concessions like the welfare state. The state has become an arm of capital, whereas in nations like China, capital is subverted by the state for the needs of the masses. Even Adam Smith recognised the evils of capitalism (landlordism, monopolistic tendencies, police/military under capitalism would protect the ones with the most accumulated capital, lobbying etc) — ironically his invisible hand theory is an argument for state intervention, completely contradicting how it’s used in modern arguments, but most people don’t actually read their so-called ideological heroes works though.

    Adam Smith (for his time) would be capitalism’s greatest critic, at a time of its inception when everything was far from fully fledged out to be understood. He still preferred it over feudalism (as we all should), but he was by no means deluded to its serious flaws. He just didn’t think there was an alternative at the time (which is understandable).
    Jul 2, 2024
  2. Em20xx
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    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:10 PM
    Bass bros?
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    Jul 2, 2024
  3. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:11 PM
    West Germany was a Nazi stronghold & used as a bulwark against the communist bloc. It was heavily subsidised by the West & paid no reparations for its destruction of Europe, the bill was footed by East Germany.

    You should read the book: Stasi State Or Socialist Paradise? The German Democratic Republic and what Became of it by John Green, a former citizen of East Germany.

    Here’s an online copy: https://ia800109.us.archive.org/4/i...ise/StasiStateOrSocialistParadi-JohnGreen.pdf
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    Jul 2, 2024
  4. Trevor the GOAT
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    Trevor the GOAT My kids are brats

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:14 PM
    So he produced the lead single but the rest of the album is lacking in his beats/production? :emoji_nerd:
    Jul 2, 2024
  5. Chuny
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    Chuny +

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:17 PM
    Oh yeah and how did one of the world’s poorest countries—China—become, in thirty years, one of the world’s richest?
    There’s a one-word answer: Capitalism.

    Make no mistake. China embraced Capitalism under a Communist regime in which everything is controlled and limited.

    Some people seem to love communism because they don't live in places governed by those rules under authoritarian regimes.

    I don't know where you're from.
    But you probably can go out RIGHT NOW and scream "f--- [insert you president's name here] from the top of your lungs and nothing will happen to you.

    Try to do the same in Russia, China or North Korea.
    Yeah, good luck.
    BIGFOOT, Em20xx and albumdrill like this.
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    Jul 2, 2024
  6. Chuny
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    Chuny +

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:18 PM
    That's the second time you said that. Not one of my posts has been taken from AI or anywhere else.
    Jul 2, 2024
  7. StinkyCnter
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    StinkyCnter No. 1 EZ Mil Hater

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:22 PM
    ... I'm not, I promise...





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    Jul 2, 2024
  8. Chuny
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    Chuny +

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:23 PM
    I'm well aware of that.
    I used to love watching and reading everything about Hitler. Who he was before, his rise to power, his downfall, how he instilled the Sieg Heil salute, the Swastika and every little detail about Nazi (which oh by the way means National-SOCIALISM) Germany.

    But that wasn't my point anyway.
    Jul 2, 2024
  9. StinkyCnter
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    StinkyCnter No. 1 EZ Mil Hater

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:26 PM
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    Jul 2, 2024
  10. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:33 PM
    Another absolute stinker. Do you ever actually research this s--- it’s like I’m talking to ChatGPT LOL

    Russia, China & North Korea all have multiple parties in their parliaments. Why the f--- does it matter if I can “scream f--- ****” when it amounts to nothing? Is this a serious conversation? You know that protesting in the Enemy Countries™ gets hijacked by agent provocateurs to foment separatism & incite colour revolutions to install pro-Western governments right? That’s why they’re quelled more often, although you probably don’t even know how many protests happen in the likes of China because you’d rather be spoon-fed propaganda about it rather than consume information that challenges your worldview. For example, in China you have an app where you can directly communicate with your local council, & the query has to be answered within 24 hours or the problem gets escalated upwards. Failure to respond quickly to citizens matters results in reprimand. Sounds more efficient than waving a banner & getting tear gassed.

    China had markets before the reforms, it also had incredible feats to human needs prior to opening up. Without the foundations of Maoism, China couldn’t have achieved what it has with its second economic phase. This isn’t even argued amongst rigid capitalist economists who cannot account for Marxian thinking (https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/six-questions-about-chinas-rise-1953). How have they managed to stave off recession after recession, even during global market turmoil if it’s capitalism that’s responsible for its success? Why is it always capitalism when it succeeds, but communism when it fails? This isn’t operating on facts, this is operating on ideology.
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    Jul 2, 2024
  11. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:34 PM
    This was post-WW2 I’m talking about.

    Hitler called his political party the National Socialist Workers Party to appeal to the working class that had sympathies for socialism. He explicitly stated he was anti-Marxist, & that communism was a Jewish plot.
    Jul 2, 2024
  12. DiggleDogg69
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    DiggleDogg69 TOBEY - TONIGHT; TDOSS - 7/12

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:37 PM
    Can’t believe Monday is a month since Houdini, June flew by.

    There’s no way the album drops after July, so I’m hoping we get something soon since we are coming up on a month since the lead single and there’s been nothing HUGE since the performance

    …I do need to get that fortnite emote though
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    Jul 2, 2024
  13. Bulky
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    Bulky Bulk/Ken

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:38 PM
    Crazy that nothing happened in june at all
    Jul 2, 2024
  14. Bulky
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    Bulky Bulk/Ken

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:38 PM
    Probably another empty July as well
    Jul 2, 2024
  15. Chuny
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    Chuny +

    Jun 26, 2024 at 11:53 PM
    I can't even read the rest of your post when you start with that.
    Seriously. I thought we could have a respectful debate without resorting to these stupid type of comments even though I explicitly told you I don't use ChatGPT or any other AI when I'm trying to have an actual conversation. s---, I don't even use ChatGPT at all. Like... ever.
    Which you could probably have guessed by simply looking at how I write, since my English is far from good (although I can probably get my point across).

    I could say exactly the same thing about your posts which look a lot more ChatGPT'ed than mine, but I don't stoop that low.

    Again, you're operating under false assumptions. It's very difficult to have a back and forth with someone like yourself, who has the urge to diminish and belittle the other party when they don't think like you. I guess now I can understand why you love authoritarian regimes so much...
    As for your (stupid) comment: I used to be a socialist, living in a country that embraced Socialism for the past 50 years and I've seen it getting worse and worse every decade until there's 60% poverty, and an anual inflation of 220%.
    That's when I got enough of Socialism and started reading and informing myself and got to thinking the way I do know.

    Look, I'm not trying to win an argument here. It's clear that you will continue to think the way you think, which is perfectly fine.
    And I will continue to think this way too.

    In the end, if you think Communism is better, I do hope you get to live in a Communist country so you can be happier.
    And I hope my country embraces Capitalism and free markets with as little intervention as possible-

    Redacted by ChatGPT 4.0 by OpenAI - https://chatgpt.com
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    Jul 2, 2024
  16. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 27, 2024 at 12:04 AM
    To be fair I didn’t see that comment until after I responded & it’s only a joke based off the fact you’re using all the buzzword phrases. I’d love to have a serious discussion it just feels like you’re saying the stuff I hear over & over again from people who have never tried to understand it, they stick to their predispositions. You can say I’m doing the same thing but I wasn’t born a communist, I was a reactionary until I was like 20 years old, so I know both ends of the spectrum. I’ve spent way too much time studying this stuff lol. Plus I do think I’ve already addressed & added a lot to my position in this back n forth already.

    What socialist country is this that you’re from?
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    Jul 2, 2024
  17. albumdrill
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    Jun 27, 2024 at 12:07 AM
    There's people that actual think communism is good on here?

    Oh boy...
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    Jul 2, 2024
  18. Chuny
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    Chuny +

    Jun 27, 2024 at 12:09 AM
    Jul 2, 2024
  19. Minato
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    Jun 27, 2024 at 12:10 AM
    The album is dropping exactly 6 weeks after the Houdini Single was released. Because Sherri Papini confessed 6 weeks later after her kidnapping hoax arrest. July 12th is the death of Slim Shady Album release.

    also July 5th is the day Disco died; Disco Demolition Night" at Comiskey Park. fans go wild destroying disco records and cause the White Sox to forfeit against the Detroit Tigers. July 5th is the 2nd single, July 12th is the album. Genius and billboard already confirmed it’s a July drop too
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    Jul 2, 2024
  20. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jun 27, 2024 at 12:10 AM
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    Jul 2, 2024