Sep 19, 2024 Because BET is racist honestly. I know it is Black Entertainment Television, but let's imagine the uproar there would be if there was a station called White Entertainment Televison and they only gave awards to White people. It goes both ways, in my book. I don't understand how they cry about the Grammys or whatever having mostly white winners and then do this s---.....
Sep 19, 2024 This is a severe misunderstanding of systemic racism and how it affects everything from politics to the culture around us, which includes music, television, and the entertainment industry as whole. They're very interwined together. Don't be mad at a celebration for black and brown artists, be mad at the powers at be that caused that divide to happen.
Sep 19, 2024 Also I want you to think about that statement for a minute. Whether BET exists or not doesn't affect how the Grammys behave towards black artists.
Sep 19, 2024 Until we don't have channels or separation type things like this nothing will ever change. But hey I'm not on social media so I also don't think rioting and setting buildings on fire after a couple cops do something bad is a great way to solve things either
Sep 19, 2024 The thing is, this is still operating under the false assumption that these type of channels fuel the racial divide. Whether BET exists or not will only hinder or help the amount of black artists and actors featured on television and whatever else they do. It will not affect the status quo nor will it affect how black people are treated IN GENERAL in the overarching entertainment industry. It's not like BET spawned out of nowhere and decided, "Black people matter more than white people! We should make an organization dedicated to that!" These type of things have heavy racial backgrounds.
Sep 19, 2024 Can't deny that Em's been on a very very solid album run since 2018! Kamikaze - Explosive MTBMB A&B - Both very solid albums TDOSS - Unreal
Sep 19, 2024 I understand what you are saying, but them doing this, is no different or better than any other race doing the same thing. They are participating in the divide by doing this. They should be better and particiapte in the unity of races, yet they are patcipating in the divide. They should be showing what an Equal award show should be and look like. Be the example of the result you want.
Sep 19, 2024 They have tried to protest quietly and they got told to shut up. What do you want them to do? They are tired of asking politely. It seems any type of protest they decide, they are in the wrong. I support any type of protest until there is a better system to protect against racist and dumbass cops.
Sep 19, 2024 Agree alot of good material.If he keeps up this quality or gets even better with each album then boy bring it on for the remaining years.
Sep 19, 2024 Another false assumption is we live in a society that's extremely racist, yall social media dweebs act like we live in slave times lol
Sep 19, 2024 It's still separation lol but sure you know what? You're right cause you probably think everyone is a victim and everything is racist so you're 100 percent correct.