Jan 18, 2025 Relapse is other-worldly. Its like in a bubble on its own and a mysterious artist from unknown dimension who can tap into metaphysical truths just gave it to us and left. How the h--- does anything think and write the way Em did there? He says he writes ideas down when they occur to him, but this is just imagery that spans for 4 minutes. I cant even imagine how writing one of those songs looked like. He constantly had to have in mind how its going to sound and fit together.
Jan 18, 2025 There’s another recovery era track that leaked back when cocaine leaked and I can’t remember the name of it but it’s one of my favorite leaked songs ever.
Jan 18, 2025 and the production, holy f--- if it isn't the best in his discography then it's at least top 3
Jan 18, 2025 Consistently great beats throughout the whole album. But what makes Relapse so great is that Eminem is just doing his thing, unburdened by the outside world. There's no drama, no beefs, no "I'm the best rapper put me on your top 5". He came back after 5 years and just raps about raping and murdering without a care in the world. If it wasnt a comeback album it would have been better recieved. Relapse is the type of content he can always do when he's out of things to talk about.
Jan 18, 2025 lmao in the tracker it says "leaked by Koolo" on pretty much all the JAN 2025 leaks, idk if it's malicious or just misinformation
Jan 18, 2025 I’ve always said there’s no way he hates relapse. He just hated the reception. And then when everyone and their mother trashed revival he was probably like, “oh no f--- that I’m not falling for this again. I will defend revival till death” lol
Jan 18, 2025 Relapse is his most overrated projects by fans. But musically it’s not as good as Eminem show or even MMLP. Stan’s don’t want to admit it but it’s true. That’s why relapse only had 2 hits on the album, and they didn’t have as much longevity as his more pop rap stuff with recovery. Who is bumping We made you or Crack a bottle compared to LTWYL, Not Afraid? Relapse was missing the singles and only were hits because he is Eminem and of course they were gonna sell. I’m sorry but Making recovery was the most logical decision he made at that point in time. And before y’all come with the “who cares about sucessful songs” or what that the critics and fans think, clearly he does. Hate to be the contrarian but Relapse isn’t better music wise or content wise then his peak like a lot of Stan’s think. The rewriting of history needs to stop too. I do agree it would have been better received if this wasn’t a comeback album off a hiatus, but the flaws and critics for relapse are valid.
Jan 18, 2025 prick, lick the golf balls, s--- 'em through a straw Until your jaws cramp up and stick, tramp Close your trap, make it clamp shut
Jan 18, 2025 I don't know what you're talking about, everybody wants to say it, the common sentiment tends to be that Relapse is much better than initially thought and somewhat of a cult classic, not that it's secretly his #1 album, I've rarely if ever seen anyone say Relapse is better than the first 3