Futbol/Soccer EURO 2024

Started by Michael Myers, Jun 10, 2024, in Sports Add to Reading List

Spain vs England

  1. Spain

  2. England

  1. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Aug 2, 2024
    Completely agree, like @aleeex1923 said I just watch the tournaments & force myself through it half of the time because of FOMO lol
    Ordinary Joel, aleeex1923 and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Aug 2, 2024
    It's different when you go watch it live though. Been in the Stretford End a few times now and it was amazing. Sad to see it get knocked down, since Sir Jim is talking about building a new stadium.
    Sep 18, 2024
  3. Chuny
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    Chuny DuttyRock

    Aug 2, 2024
    Love that stadium.
    Quite small but beautiful.
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    Sep 18, 2024
  4. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Aug 2, 2024
    Yeah I used to always enjoy going to the games as a kid, I need to do it more often, good day out.

    Calling another man Sir is very gay btw.
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    Ordinary Joel and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Aug 2, 2024
    It isn't small 75k attendance.

    I been on the tour around the stadium it's big, but I also done a tour of the Nou Camp and that was bigger LOL.

    United are planning on a 100k stadium. I'd rather him update OT and make that ground 100k,its been our ground since 1902... Too much history.
    Ordinary Joel and aleeex1923 like this.
    Ordinary Joel and aleeex1923 like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  6. Chuny
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    Chuny DuttyRock

    Aug 2, 2024
    Is it?
    I thought that was a thing, in England.
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    Ordinary Joel and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  7. aleeex1923
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    Aug 2, 2024
    Yeah, I do go at all my team's games at home, I skip away games, I'm 36 now and don't have enough time to do that, used to go to all the away games back in my younger days. My team still gets me pumped and I look forward to watching them play every week but like @hargydon said, other than that I force myself to watch other games, big competitions because of FOMO (that was the word I was looking for the first time)
    Ordinary Joel, hargydon and BIGFOOT like this.
    Ordinary Joel, hargydon and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  8. Chuny
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    Chuny DuttyRock

    Aug 2, 2024
    I meant compared to all these new modern stadiums that have been built, that look like spaceships lmao.
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    Ordinary Joel and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Aug 2, 2024
    Hmmm suits you, Sir!
    Ordinary Joel and hargydon like this.
    Ordinary Joel and hargydon like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Aug 2, 2024
    It is, he's just being gay!
    Ordinary Joel and Chuny like this.
    Ordinary Joel and Chuny like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  11. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Aug 2, 2024
    It means you have been knighted by the Royal Family, what a ridiculous sentence in 2024. It’s also something you call a Dom in the bedroom, which is something @BIGFOOT does frequently.
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    Ordinary Joel and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  12. Chuny
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    Chuny DuttyRock

    Aug 2, 2024
    What's your take regarding the Islas Malvinas / Falkland Islands, Hargy?
    0 0
    Sep 18, 2024
  13. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Aug 2, 2024
    I’m not well versed on the topic at all, I’d need to research it first. But from an uneducated perspective, I don’t think we should have territory 8,000 miles away from our mainland. But I also recognise that the Falkland residents had a referendum & voted in favour of staying within our sovereignty even though they are settlers on an originally unsettled land (afaik). Again, I’d have to read into it, it’s a complete blindspot.
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    Ordinary Joel and Chuny like this.
    Sep 18, 2024
  14. Chuny
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    Chuny DuttyRock

    Aug 2, 2024
    I appreciate your honesty.
    Ordinary Joel and hargydon like this.
    Ordinary Joel and hargydon like this.
    Sep 18, 2024