Israel/Palestine Conflict

Started by Yeez, Oct 8, 2023, in Life Add to Reading List

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    BiG MONKEY slummin' it

    Dec 21, 2023
    Look how hard he'd trying to conceal how mad he is :'(hopefully you lighten up for Christmas at leas bud. No one likes a grinch!
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    Aug 31, 2024
  2. Enigma
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    Mar 23, 2024


    Aged like milk…who coulda seen that coming? Lol
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    Aug 31, 2024
  3. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Mar 23, 2024
    Are you going to explain why they vetoed the resolution? That both Russia & China currently support draft resolutions from non-permanent security council members that didn’t enable Israel’s offensive in Rafah that would k--- even more Palestinian civilians? That the US has been vetoing permanent ceasefire resolutions not temporary ceasefire resolutions that have been supported by Russia & China time & time again for the last 6 months?

    Voting through the release of only the Israeli hostages gives Israel carte blanche to do what they want to the Palestinian population with no political repercussions, of course that’s going to be opposed by anyone that sees the Palestinians as human beings.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  4. Enigma
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    Mar 23, 2024
    Because it's largely in Russia & China's geopolitical interest to be a thorn in the side of the U.S. & Israel. A ceasefire in exchange for the freeing of hostages/prisoners is a win for everyone.

    "Permanent ceasefires" aren't a thing. What you're describing is an armistice. Never going to happen while Hamas still has Israeli hostages.

    What are you talking about?
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    Aug 31, 2024
  5. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Mar 23, 2024
    No it isn’t. As I’ve just explained: Hamas holding prisoners allows the Palestinians to have some political cover (albeit very little cover) to preventing Israeli wholesale collective punishment war crimes.

    I’ll repeat: Voting through the release of only the Israeli hostages gives Israel carte blanche to do what they want to the Palestinian population with no political repercussions.

    Israel has also been re-arresting released prisoners in the West Bank exchanged since October 7th. The newly released prisoners will no doubt be targeted too. Especially when fighting resumes.

    Supporting a temporary ceasefire is like supporting a starved hostage receiving a sandwich & then supporting them being starved again.

    You aren’t even trying to be serious here.

    Now I’m no expert on dates & information but this appears to not only be after the draft resolution but also doesn’t state there’ll be a permanent ceasefire along with it.

    On a serious note: do you work in the US government in some capacity?
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
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    Aug 31, 2024
  6. Enigma
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    Mar 24, 2024
    Half of the buildings in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed. Upwards of 30,000 people have died in Gaza since October. What exactly has Israel opted not to do because of Hamas holding hostages?

    Even if what you were saying was true, these are primarily civilians that Hamas (& other Islamic Jihadists groups) are holding. Using civilian hostages as human shields is all kinds of wrong.

    All ceasefires, by definition, are temporary. Stopping the fighting even for a while so both sides can engage in negotiations & aid can more effectively reach Gazans is a huge humanitarian win. I don’t think Gazans would be complaining if the fighting stopped for even just a month.

    It’s not my fault you literally don’t know what you’re talking about. Just throwing out terms without understanding what they mean.

    The U.S. resolution linked a ceasefire to the ongoing negotiations between U.S.-Israel-Egypt-Hamas. The release of Israeli hostages was always going to be connected to the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  7. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Mar 24, 2024
    As explained multiple times already in this exchange, it’s really very simple. This is a political game being played by Israel & the US. They know Hamas’ terms for peace include a permanent ceasefire as it’s the only logical option to prevent Israel from continuing their collective punishment:
    Wow an acknowledgement of Israeli’s actions! The Rafah offensive has been held back, which I’ve already mentioned.

    Untenable conditions are proposed so that Hamas rejects said proposals & then the blame is on them to their publics & the US & Israel can say “well, we tried!” less & less people buy it though. You really think Israeli officials are leaking CIA & Mossad discussions to journalists without a green light? You can’t be this naive, this is all theatre.

    The term permanent ceasefire has been used by politicians, diplomats, draft resolutions, journalists & protests around the world & even a simpleton like you can understand the definition of the term. You’re just being a contrarian because you d-ck-eat the Biden administration at every turn.

    I’m glad you’ve finally learned there’s more groups of resistance in Gaza but still chooses to highlight the most controversial ones! It’s hilarious to see you dance around reality to try & score your petty political points — earlier on in your post you were apparently clueless as to how holding the hostages was preventing Israeli wholesale slaughter, now you’re apparently completely cognitive of that fact because you can morality label the Palestinian resistance as all kinds of wrong by using human shields?

    Israel should release the Palestinian civilian hostages, I agree. How bad is it that the Palestinian resistance has to take civilians as prisoners in order to get some sort of attention & attempts of justice for their peoples false imprisonment. Why are Israeli civilians of more value to you than Palestinians?

    Until the Palestinians rights are taken seriously, Israeli civilians will continue to be in the line of fire — as long as their safety is predicated on the dispossession of others. They are put there to police imperial interests. (Human shields btw!)

    Let this not detract from the fact that the US vetoed multiple UN draft resolutions prior to this one as those didn’t enable Israel to continue attacking Gaza. Shot & a miss on this one man, you had months to work on an attack line too, maybe next time!
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    Aug 31, 2024
  8. Enigma
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    Mar 24, 2024
    Hamas agreed to a ceasefire and multiple extensions of it back in late November. They are literally in negotiations for another one which includes prisoner/hostage swaps.

    The Rafah offensive was never imminent. The Israeli government doesn't have real plans drawn out yet + the U.S. has actively been pushing Israel to not go forward with it. This has nothing to do with the civilian hostages in Gaza.

    What has Israel opted not to do because of Israeli hostages in Gaza? You still haven't given a legitimate answer to this.

    If Israeli hostages were such an effective deterrent, why did Israel invade northern Gaza? Why is it continuing to shell northern and southern Gaza?

    They're not...that's why I think there ought to be a ceasefire with hostage/prisoner exchange in order to get more aid into Gaza. But apparently you've convinced yourself that's bad because "america bad!"

    This is a pretty gross attempt at justifying war crimes imo! My scorching hot take is that targeting civilians is bad.

    Also, if you're going to have this take that Israeli civilians are fair game, then you can't complain when Israel disregards civilian safety in Gaza. You either have the principled stance that civilian life ought to be protected or you don't.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  9. Enigma
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    Mar 25, 2024

    This is just comical lmfao. Confidently wrong every step of the way. At least you still got @Alpha & @Chrollo supporting you though :')
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    Aug 31, 2024
  10. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Mar 25, 2024
    Hamas hasn’t even responded, what’s your point here?

    What’s this got to do with Hamas’ decision?

    Holy s--- you’re so mad!

    I really got under your skin didn’t I? My comments about China & Russia have lived inside of your head rent-free since last year!

    You can’t escape the fact that the US & the UK provide arms & intelligence that enables Israel to commit its atrocities. You can spin it or attempt to downplay it however you want but Russia & China are not doing that that’s the material difference. You can never equivocate complicity in Palestinian civilian mass murder between these countries, absolutely absurd but given your track record I shouldn’t be surprised you’ve come back to try again.

    No matter how much you attempt to twist narratives, have corporate media sycophants from the empire on your side, you will never escape that reality.

    Can’t you see that no one gives a s--- what you have to say anymore? You got clowned in here, the only people who batted for you were the politically r-----ed Michael Myers, Worm & Jet — even they’ve stopped paying attention to you or these events. You spend all your time arguing on a niche Eminem forum about status quo American politics & you still lose the arguments! Talk about fading into irrelevancy.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  11. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Mar 25, 2024
    You were asserting just *yesterday* that only Israeli hostages were being negotiated to be released & that the reason for China/Russia vetoing the U.S. resolution was because of the “temporary” nature of the ceasefire, & that anyone who truly supports Palestinians wouldn’t support such a proposal lol.

    I guess, in your distorted worldview, no one must care about the Palestinian people.

    According to you, this is what Russia & China are doing by voting for that “temporary” ceasefire resolution:

    Right? Lol these are your supposed “leaders” of the global south?

    This guy is fucken fuming lmfao. The very last thing I care about is my relevancy on here. Dunking on you & the plethora of other dumb a----s on here that speak so confidently about politics yet know very little is humorous though.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  12. Alpha
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    Mar 27, 2024
    Clearly not.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  13. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Mar 27, 2024
    I post on here once every few months
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    Aug 31, 2024
  14. Gimp
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    Mar 30, 2024
    No one:
    Enigma: I study political science
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    Aug 31, 2024
  15. Alpha
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    May 27, 2024
    Things absolutely have not cooled down.... It's getting worse and worse.

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    Aug 31, 2024
  16. BiG MONKEY
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    BiG MONKEY slummin' it

    May 27, 2024
    This guy is fucken fuming lmfao. The very last thing I care about is my relevancy on here. Dunking on you & the plethora of other dumb a----s on here that speak so confidently about politics yet know very little is humorous though.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  17. Rodamon
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    May 28, 2024
    watch liberals defend this s--- still

    israhell needs to go, troops have to be deployed there asap jesus christ already how much more death is needed
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    Aug 31, 2024
  18. Alpha
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    May 29, 2024

    Proof of how this world is manipulated.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  19. GDC
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    May 30, 2024
    People that brag about the dumb jobless s--- they study are f---ing r-----s
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    Aug 31, 2024
  20. parentaladvisory
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