Justin Trudeau Presents: Album of the Week Club

Started by Justin Trudeau, May 19, 2024, in Music Add to Reading List

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  1. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Jul 24, 2024
    Orpheus Vs. The Sirens is an interesting one for me and I'm happy @Ordinary Joel picked it, the slower paced underground lyricist s--- is a lane I haven't really delved into even though I know about multiple artists that do it.

    I want to start off by saying I really REALLY like the concept of Ka relating his upbringing and overall life to Greek Mythology, it's super inspired and it leads to a lot of great lines on the album

    I've known about Ka for a while but never dove into his work but after listening to this I realized I was missing out on an elite level writer, the double entendres are so slick and effortless that when mixed with the overall concept had me locked in to the album experience trying to pick up as much as I can. One of the easiest connections to understand relating between his struggles and the myth is obviously on the opening track Sirens (relating it to police sirens is so simple but effective) which is one of my personal favorites on the record.

    Now one of my small issues was actually a positive for @Justin Trudeau where the production sounds a bit too much like one long song to me, now don't get me wrong it sounds great and it's very cohesive but the similar production throughout paired with Ka's lackadaisical flow on most tracks can lead to things feeling a bit samey, thankfully the run time is pretty short to avoid that becoming a major problem.

    Idk how much I'd come back to this or go super hard into this lane unless something is recommended to me cause it's a dense and heavy listen but that doesn't negate the quality of it in the slightest.

    Favorite songs: Sirens, Atlas, Oedipus, The Punishment Of Sysiphus

    Least favorite songs: N/A (they're all very well made I just like some more than others.

    Wreckless, Evad, Omar Little and 6 others like this.
    Sep 7, 2024
  2. Yeez
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    Yeez Yeez 5.0

    Jul 25, 2024
    Was looking through HOF and found a thread similar to this one. It’s kinda crazy that Cilvia Demo was the first album for both that thread and this one
    Sep 7, 2024
  3. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jul 25, 2024
    That’s funny af

    I like their idea of showcasing how many ratings the tallied up score is of
    Sep 7, 2024
  4. Justin Trudeau
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    Jul 25, 2024
    I can do that!
    I'll post the score and how many ratings and what page people can see the album tally this weekend!
    Sep 7, 2024
  5. Justin Trudeau
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    Jul 25, 2024
    @AOTWClub don't forget to get your reviews in for Hermit and the Recluse- ORPHEUS VS. THE SIRENS

    Only a few days left until @DiggleDogg69's pick Sunday night
    Sep 7, 2024
  6. Ripper Roo
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    Jul 25, 2024
    Hermit and the Recluse - Orpheus vs. The Sirens

    Favorite track: Golden Fleece


    The writing on this thing is phenomenal. Even though Greek mythology never interested me, it’s dope that he equates it to his life like other people have. It’s a very creative and unique project. The problem is I just can’t fully get into it even after multiple listens. While the instrumentals are nice, each song feels very similar to the next to me.

    I know this album should be at least a 7/10, but when it comes to my personal enjoyment I gotta go for 6/10. I just don’t get much enjoyment out of listening to this, and I don’t see myself coming back to it very often. I have no emotional connection to this music which is usually a big thing for me. But I also recognize that when it comes to the skill displayed here, the album is good. Maybe it will grow on me in the future. @AOTWClub
    Sep 7, 2024
  7. Justin Trudeau
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    Jul 25, 2024
    Page # and amount of reviews now updated along with the album score and the ranking on the main page!
    Sep 7, 2024
  8. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Jul 25, 2024
    I already know this @DiggleDogg69 pick is about to be gay as h--- (positive)
    Sep 7, 2024
  9. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 25, 2024
    Funny you brought this up cuz I was just skimming this thread and was shocked/impressed people are writing long, thoughtful reviews cuz I remember it being hard to wrangle a single sentence out of people in that thread back in the day lol. I can't believe that's coming up on a decade ago when I was a young and spry 24 yr old lol and my god I was such a s-----y writer back then :emoji_sob:

    Anyway gonna peep @Ordinary Joel pick tmw and join in. Might as well ffind my Eminem review and post it here too.

    Also, there was a second version of the Rate This Album thread as well but it didn't go nearly as long:
    Sep 7, 2024
  10. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Jul 25, 2024
    YOOO DKC joining is huge
    Sep 7, 2024
  11. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 25, 2024
    rap journo is completely f----- I haven't written anything since like February, might as well do some here lol
    Sep 7, 2024
  12. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 25, 2024
    this was my first impression review and I stand by most of what I said, but after sitting with it a bit I had to knock it down a point:
    Sep 7, 2024
  13. Wreckless
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    Jul 25, 2024
    Sep 7, 2024
  14. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Jul 25, 2024
    Idk man I'm sure you can get payed to freelance an article about how Ian is raps next hope
    Sep 7, 2024
  15. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 25, 2024
    french^ :emoji_rolling_eyes:
    Sep 7, 2024
  16. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 25, 2024
    First artist I ever blocked on Spotify so I never have to accidentally hear him via the algo
    Sep 7, 2024
  17. Justin Trudeau
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    Jul 26, 2024
    @DKC want me to add you to the schedule?
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and DKC like this.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and DKC like this.
    Sep 7, 2024
  18. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jul 26, 2024
    You should check out Apple Music
    Ordinary Joel, Evad and jankland like this.
    Ordinary Joel, Evad and jankland like this.
    Sep 7, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Jul 26, 2024
    Time to exit the thread.......

    Just kidding DKC you know I despise you s--- meant love you.
    Sep 7, 2024
  20. DKC
    Posts: 23,261
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    DKC hank trill

    Jul 26, 2024
    I actually have been thinking about making the switch or at least trying it out again lol, I hated the UI when it first came out but it's been a long time + Spotify's UI just gets worse every update
    Yes plz!
    Sep 7, 2024