Feb 18, 2016 Watching stuff like this honestly pisses me off about our society. I read an article today about how much of a joke Kanye is because he compared the life he's living to being in the military, being a firefighter, or being a police officer. First off, the quote was taken completely out of context, didn't even make sense in the article. But secondly, the comments were ridiculous. Calling him the n word, calling him a piece of s---, thug punk, garbage, hoping he dies, someone needs to put a bullet in between his eyes, all this s---. I mean it was disgusting man. The media portrays him as this flesh eating monster, and then you watch an interview like this, and the media would never dream of writing a story on this or putting this in the news. He's a religious man with a wife he loves and two children he's crazy for, and wants to make art for the society he lives in, yet people think he's out to murder their family or something. I appreciate Kanye and the work he puts in to make his fans happy. I just hope he doesn't let the talking heads get to him and he continues to put out s--- that has made us love him since day one. I'm proud to idolize him, even if it gets you bashed in today's s-----y society.
Feb 18, 2016 That interview made me feel like Kanye is far better mentally and healthier than before- good to see and good on him. He handled the T-Swift questions pretty well.
Feb 18, 2016 I swear this dude has two personalities lol. Sometimes, he's a rambling moron, that makes zero sense, is overly sensitive, and completely obnoxious. Other times, like this, he seems like the most down to Earth, intelligent, humble celebrity, that you'd love to hang out with. I definitely feel like he gets a bad wrap, but then again, he's kind of earned it. It's a shame though, because I genuinely like Kanye.
Feb 18, 2016 He said "f--- this," "I'm bummed" and compared himself to people you don't think he should've. All in under a minute. And because he stage for his impending performance wasn't ready. That's hardly a breakdown and it's crazy that you'd frame it as such
Feb 18, 2016 Nah all he does is talk rap=crap plus he's broke what a loser f--- Kanye Kartrashian and his whor- wife he'll never be a great musician because he doesn't know what instruments are
Feb 18, 2016 He wasn't even yelling to SNL staff afaik. Wasn't the stage changed suddenly like 30 minutes before the performance started too?