1 0 1
Posts 220
Ratio 1:2

About 1 0 1

  • Dec 13, 2014
  • Last Activity: Jan 11, 2021

Most Posts - September

    1. 1 0 1
    2. 1 0 1
      1 0 1 Apr 16, 2019
      New Kanye Leak
      0 0
    3. 1 0 1
      1 0 1 Mar 17, 2017
      Walking on the Moon
      2 2
    4. Jordan
      Jordan Jan 12, 2016
      ayy, enjoy the 'Untitled 2' download link. Avy up so that we can recognise you better :emoji_thumbsup:
      3 3
      1. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jan 12, 2016
        101 is a pretty memorable name tho
        2 2
        1 0 1 and Jordan like this.
      2. Jordan
        Jordan Jan 12, 2016
        A good name & a cool avy are golden :emoji_wink:
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