Groovy Tony
Posts 9,325
Ratio 1:1.4

About Groovy Tony

  • Jun 14, 2015

Most Posts - March

    1. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony May 2, 2018
      Excuse the cursing @Nori @Ordinary Joel @EmSXN but just know that I was a good poster but they portray me as cold
      3 3
      Ordinary Joel, reesey and eddie313 like this.
    2. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony May 2, 2018
      I'll put out this last post then im done wit 100% finished fed up with it im hanging it up f--- it
      2 2
      reesey and eddie313 like this.
    3. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony May 2, 2018
      It's been real
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    4. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 27, 2018
      The real God is in you not the music you coppin
      1 1
      Trackz likes this.
    5. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 24, 2018
      Nobody likes me everybody hates me they want me to go eat some worms :scaryem:
      0 0
    6. Groovy Tony
    7. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 22, 2018
      Somethings got a hold on me I can't let it go out of fear I won't be free
      0 0
    8. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 22, 2018
      I wish there was a feature that blocked posters from quoting you or posting in your threads
      1 1
      Mudkip likes this.
    9. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 16, 2018
      Blood on my hands imma need hot agua
      2 2
      OwI and Trackz like this.
    10. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 3, 2018
      If I keep going I won't make it, and it's allllll because of you
      0 0
    11. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Apr 3, 2018
      Legendary self made progress last time that I checked
      0 0
    12. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 30, 2018
      Sometimes you don't say goodbye once You say goodbye over and over and over again
      1 1
      Mudkip likes this.
    13. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 27, 2018
      Some people say love some people say why Some people don't love they just want a free ride
      5 5
    14. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 25, 2018
      Quicksand is what this life feel like the s--- these rappers kick is nothin like real life
      0 0
    15. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 18, 2018
      They love their guns more than our children :wow2:
      2 2
      Caine and nunofherdeiro like this.
    16. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 13, 2018
      I'll put your whole family in boxes like yall the Brady Bunch
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    17. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Mar 5, 2018
      The saddest s--- is so true thats why my soul is so BLUE
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
    18. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Feb 23, 2018
      I been stressing for a blessing one that could set me apart
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and Ricky like this.
    19. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Feb 21, 2018
      I feel like im Brad Jordan
      0 0
    20. Groovy Tony
      Groovy Tony Feb 18, 2018
      Sleepin at the top nightmares of the bottom
      1 1
      Ricky likes this.
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