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About Jaya

  • May 26, 2015

Most Posts - March

    1. Jaya
      Jaya Sep 9, 2016
      pre ordered my iphone 7 :) :) :) :) :) :)
      3 3
      Deadpool, Ordinary Joel and Final like this.
      1. Final
        Final Sep 9, 2016
        2 2
        Deadpool and Ordinary Joel like this.
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Sep 12, 2016
        0 0
      3. Jaya
        Jaya Sep 14, 2016
        Both yall can eat a---
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    2. Deadpool
      Deadpool Sep 1, 2016
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mow
        mow Sep 1, 2016
        whyd u ignore me brother
        2 2
        Deadpool and Ordinary Joel like this.
      3. Deadpool
        Deadpool Sep 1, 2016
        Hehe didn't see noti
        2 2
        mow and Ordinary Joel like this.
      4. mow
        mow Sep 1, 2016
        d--- son
        i accidentlaly wrote this first on jayas profile and not this post f--- me
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
    3. Jaya
      Jaya Aug 28, 2016
      popped my p---- so hard at the Drake and Future concert, i dont think i have any left.
      9 9
      Ordinary Joel, Loyalty, Slyk and 6 others like this.
      1. Raziel
        Raziel Aug 28, 2016
        That's a travesty. d--- you Future. d--- you Drake.
        2 2
        Jaya and Ordinary Joel like this.
      2. Nori
        Nori Aug 29, 2016
        @kris whos woman's is this
        2 2
        Jaya and Ordinary Joel like this.
    4. Deadpool
      3 3
      Jaya, Ordinary Joel and Nori like this.
      1. Jaya
        Jaya Aug 16, 2016
        omg :emoji_heart_eyes:
        it me
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    5. Jaya
      Jaya Aug 13, 2016
      a b---- never ever had to use lip gloss on it
      3 3
      Deadpool, j94ose and CSW like this.
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Aug 13, 2016
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      2. Jaya
        Jaya Aug 13, 2016
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      3. Deadpool
        Deadpool Aug 13, 2016
        u know it
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
    6. Deadpool
      Deadpool Aug 11, 2016
      Your alive?
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. Jaya
        Jaya Aug 11, 2016
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Aug 11, 2016
        d--- HOLY s--- U A DEAD a--- MFKER
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Jaya
        Jaya Aug 11, 2016
        RIP JAYA
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
    7. Jaya
      Jaya Jul 23, 2016
      me and justin bieber f--- the same hoes
      6 6
      1. Dew
        Dew Jul 23, 2016
        1 1
        Jaya likes this.
    8. Trackz
      Trackz Jul 19, 2016
      Hi Jaya. Hope all is well.
      2 2
      Jaya and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. Jaya
        Jaya Jul 20, 2016
        hello! thanks, yes all is good. hope you're doing well also. :)
        1 1
        Trackz likes this.
    9. Pato v3
      Pato v3 Jul 19, 2016
      So I guess I don't exist. :wow2:
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jul 19, 2016
        i wish
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, Deadpool and Jaya like this.
    10. Nori
      Nori Jul 19, 2016
      Where's my profile post?
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jul 19, 2016
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
    11. Jaya
      Jaya Jul 19, 2016
      really nice to visit the forum and have a picture of Idris Elba staring back at me. d--- daddy.
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and Flacko like this.
    12. Nori
      Nori Jul 3, 2016
      I saw you like that comment
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. Jaya
        Jaya Jul 8, 2016
        0 0
    13. Jaya
      Jaya Jun 16, 2016
      can't stop watching cutthroat kitchen.
      0 0
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jun 16, 2016
        0 0
    14. Jaya
      Jaya Jun 8, 2016
      eating calamari now I just need the Rosé
      3 3
    15. Jaya
      Jaya Jun 7, 2016
      I'm not wearing a bra to work today. God bless.
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and sxneighty123 like this.
      1. sxneighty123
        sxneighty123 Jun 7, 2016
        pics or it never happened
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Skippy like this.
      2. aquaberryares
        aquaberryares Jun 7, 2016
        Can confirm
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Lil Squeed
        Lil Squeed Jun 7, 2016
        0 0
    16. Deadpool
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jun 4, 2016
        U took the last taco I told u i had dibs
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Jaya
        Jaya Jun 4, 2016
        I'm sorry :emoji_slight_frown: I'm Mexican though, I can make more tacos appear magically
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      4. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jun 4, 2016
        O s--- mexgican
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Jaya like this.
    17. Jaya
      Jaya Jun 3, 2016
      truss me daddi.
      3 3
      Ordinary Joel, Poohdini and Deadpool like this.
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jun 3, 2016
        0 0
      2. Jaya
        Jaya Jun 3, 2016
        You do
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    18. Jaya
      Jaya May 26, 2016
      kiss it, kiss it better babyyyyyy
      3 3
      Ordinary Joel, Deadpool and Loyalty like this.
    19. Jaya
      Jaya May 24, 2016
      why you gotta fight with me at Chik fil A, you know I love to go there
      3 3
      1. Lucy
        Lucy May 24, 2016
        @kris has huge nostrils, it doesn't matter where you go, he has your scent and can track you
    20. Jaya
      Jaya May 20, 2016
      got that bomb p---- it just detonated
      3 3
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool May 20, 2016
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      2. Raziel
        Raziel May 20, 2016
        Rest in pieces, p---- :sad1:
      3. Groovy Tony
        Groovy Tony May 20, 2016
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
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