Oct 2, 2024 @DiggleDogg69 this thread is gonna be amazing this month! Nice review, Inside seems nice, is it Terrifier level gore or not that much?
Oct 2, 2024 Aww thats sweet. Yeah I only watched the FS movies she was like 17 or 18 in there. A bit too young for me lol. That's why Melissa is my girl
Oct 2, 2024 Hahah it’s funny that it’s the standard now! There’s some parts that are gnarly but it’s more just…bloody? If that makes sense? There’s more focus on blood than the actual GORE of the body. There is a part where Spoiler: Spoiler the attacker performs a c-section on the protagonist with scissors and shows it in some graphic detail , and I had to look away. If I had to compare it to recent movies that’s been talked about here, I’d say a bit more graphic than Halloween Kills or the modern Scream entries
Oct 2, 2024 What a way to start off October with a b---! A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Wow this movie is awesome. It’s so great at creating an atmosphere with the music, sound effects, cinematography, etc. it really feels like they don’t make s--- like this often anymore. This movie has such a unique vibe to it. The kills are some of the most creative I’ve ever seen. It’s such a satisfying loop seeing the characters go throughout the day getting more and more panicked as time goes on and you just can’t wait for the night so you can see what crazy s--- Freddy does next when they fall asleep. It’s crazy watching these older movies sometimes though because some of these “high schoolers” look like 30 year olds lol. One negative about the movie is that sometimes the acting just wasn’t on point. There were certain occasions where the way characters reacted just didn’t make sense or wasn’t enough. Like for example Rod seemed way too calm at first when Tina was getting killed. Other than that I really don’t have many complaints. It’s a funny coincidence that I watched this before going to bed. Hopefully Fred doesn’t get me! 8/10
Oct 2, 2024 She was the star in 6. She didn't do well on 5. I thought she was a bad actress until I watched 6. The star is Jenna though, she's the one getting big movie roles. And Sadie has some Fear Street and The Whale. The rest barely did anything interesting, just dude that plays Mike being on IT.
Oct 2, 2024 One of my favorite movies ever, I have it at a 10/10 myself (spoiler for day 3 of my marathon?)
Oct 2, 2024 Having played in more movies doesn't automatically make them better... just bigger stars. You really do look at this the same as hits in music lmao
Oct 2, 2024 Not only do I wanna watch Fear Street but I also wanna watch Immaculate soon I’m gonna try to clear a lot of horror movies off of my list this month
Oct 2, 2024 This is one of my favorite movies of the year, Sydney in more horror would be dope. She killed it
Oct 2, 2024 Ever since I saw her character, Cassie, go crazy in Euphoria season 2 I thought she would be great for horror as well Watching it for Sydney Sweeney regardless