Eminem - The Death of Slim Shady (OUT NOW!)

Started by RetiredAccount, Dec 6, 2020, in Eminem Add to Reading List

Is the Mourner's Edition Good?

  1. Yes I'm Satisfied

  2. Yes, but I wish it had more new music

  3. I don't care about it

  4. No, it was dissapointing

  1. Disorderly Progress
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    Disorderly Progress This goldfish bowl gets old.

    Jun 4, 2024
    He's definitely not trolling lol, what a r-----ed take.

    He explains clearly things he likes about it and some recent stuff, and stuff he doesn't. Totally valid.
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    Sep 28, 2024
  2. damoi
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    Jun 4, 2024

    Sep 28, 2024
  3. David26
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    Jun 4, 2024
    I see this song and the video like a gift to his core fans. We even have Paul Rosemberg dressed as a jew here.

    If you want Eminem to be number 1 like is 2003 again you are wrong. That part of his career is over and is ok.
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    Tal and Wreckless like this.
    Sep 28, 2024
  4. Gimp
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    Jun 4, 2024
    Wtf you quoting me about? I never said he was trolling, im saying I agree that this song is mid.
    Sep 28, 2024
  5. Dorian
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    Dorian Certified Chart Boy

    Jun 4, 2024
    Except in the US. Lol
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    Sep 28, 2024
  6. DiggleDogg69
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    Jun 4, 2024
    Speaking as one of the younger folks in here, I’m just ready for the album to be here hahah. I’m fine with a longer rollout I just feel it makes more sense for the album to come this month. This week would be nice, but considering we heard nothing yesterday (Monday), I’m starting to feel like it gets less likely that it will be this week. I just don’t see a need for the rollout to go into July. Eyes are on Em RIGHT NOW.

    Like I said the other day, if he drops a 2nd single and it doesn’t do as well as Houdini (even if it’s only by a slight amount), people WILL pull the “fell off” and “hype dead” cards. I think Em can have his cake and eat it too with rollouts if they are short and simple. Here’s the album release time frame, a single a few weeks after that announcement, album a week or two after the single. He shows the cover and a single, which satisfies the rollout wanters, while also keeping most of the project secret, like I’m sure he likes nowadays

    Also, I just keep putting into perspective in my mind about how long it’s been since we got a body of work from Em. Side B dropped and between then and now I finished my last 2 and a half years of high school and my first year of college. And f--- it I’ll go with the joke that keeps being beat like a dead horse, we got a GTA 6 trailer and release date before a new Em album. I feel like I would want a longer rollout if the wait between albums was shorter. Surprise drops had us thinking it was a new rollout every other month, I’m kind of rolloutted out

    End of the day I just want the album, rollout or not. I’d just rather them strike while Em is everywhere. I know he makes the news anytime he does anything, but I haven’t seen this many people talk about Eminem since Kamikaze. It’s just the perfect time to drop what’s could end up as another classic in his discog.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
    Sep 28, 2024
  7. Crookedeye
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    Crookedeye Calm and electrocute

    Jun 4, 2024
    Crazy how Not Like Us released a whole month ago x.x
    Sep 28, 2024
  8. Revtone
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    Revtone Man of Culture

    Jun 4, 2024
    Who cares about fantanos bum a---
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    Sep 28, 2024
  9. WindowPane
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    WindowPane You'll never ketchup..

    Jun 4, 2024
    No1 in Dutch Apple Music charts as well

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    Sep 28, 2024
  10. Wreckless
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    Jun 4, 2024
    I like that before we knew Em had an album coming everyone was able to wait but ever since he announced it people find every reason to say the way he's promoting it is wrong and he should drop it tomorrow because it's more convenient for them lol.

    People hate to hear it but this album was announced for this summer. We're probably gonna get another single in the next few weeks before this album drops.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
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    Sep 28, 2024
  11. Dorian
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    Dorian Certified Chart Boy

    Jun 4, 2024
    How can this song be on the first spot everywhere but in the us fell to 6 on Spotify lmao
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    Sep 28, 2024
  12. Moonmonk7
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    Jun 4, 2024
    Feels like they're doing the long roll out for this one. End of June or early July we get the album. Unless they do a hybrid surprise drop Friday. We'll see, won't we?
    Sep 28, 2024
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    Jun 4, 2024
    Sep 28, 2024
  14. dna hits
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    Jun 4, 2024
    After watching the music video after some live rosin hits, looks like the real slim was finally woke up but clearly looked confused then angry. The video definitely isn’t all CGI. The Feds need to let the original Eminem back into society and rap before an album as bad as the single comes out.
    Sep 28, 2024
  15. Zebedee
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    Zebedee Banned

    Jun 4, 2024
    Fantano is right. Bout time the delusion in here about this song was knocked down a peg or two.
    Sep 28, 2024
  16. Revtone
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    Revtone Man of Culture

    Jun 4, 2024
    Fantano is r----- nothing else, he sh---ed on Kamikaze aswell how is this bald f--- even relevant. I dont get it. Only thing he does is to s--- on everything.
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    Yeezus808, BWslays, Tal and 2 others like this.
    Sep 28, 2024
  17. Zebedee
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    Zebedee Banned

    Jun 4, 2024
    A 37 year old super-stan that acts like a obsessed little kid is a dangerous person to be modding the Em section.
    Sep 28, 2024
  18. Disorderly Progress
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    Disorderly Progress This goldfish bowl gets old.

    Jun 4, 2024
    I was quoting to quote the thing in agreeance with you.
    Sep 28, 2024
  19. Disorderly Progress
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    Disorderly Progress This goldfish bowl gets old.

    Jun 4, 2024
    Evenin' lads
    Sep 28, 2024
  20. Disorderly Progress
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    Disorderly Progress This goldfish bowl gets old.

    Jun 4, 2024
    Yeah I think so too. Feels like they're really trying to maximise an old school roll out in a modern era.

    And from Em's perspective...
    The sense of confidence in his demeanor, on his face lately... and this concept; I just think he probably knows he's got some magic, and maybe they all do, so they're just milking it...

    So, I imagine another single + single merch and another big video. Some performances, then the album.

    My guess is July.
    Z Gangsta, Yeezus808, BWslays and 4 others like this.
    Sep 28, 2024