Justin Trudeau Presents: Album of the Week Club

Started by Justin Trudeau, May 19, 2024, in Music Add to Reading List

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  1. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Sep 18, 2024 at 5:07 AM
    Sure but then again reviewers also give half starts so 2.5 stars is a 5 which still "looks" better than a 4.

    However the system I think for me its also because of school. You guys work with letters, but here we get a grade from 1 to 10 with tests/exams.

    You need at least a 5.5, which is rounded to a 6 to pass a test. At school, everywhere.
    So I'm used to that grading system, which means if I give an album or movie a 5/10 I think its not good enough for a "passing" grade. Not that its terrible but not a good movie/song.

    If I give it a 5.5 or 6 thats like the bottom of okay for me. Funny how these things can be or at least feel so different haha
    DKC and jankland like this.
    DKC and jankland like this.
    Sep 19, 2024
  2. Ripper Roo
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    Sep 19, 2024 at 1:26 AM
    Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me

    Favorite tracks: Putting Holes In Happiness, The Red Carpet Grave, Just a Car Crash Away, Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand)


    There’s a lot of awesome guitars, drums, and melodies on this album. I even like/relate to some of the lyrical themes. My main issue is Manson’s vocal delivery. It’s just really hit or miss for me. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn’t. That’s mainly what holds me back from fully connecting to and enjoying this music.

    If I enjoyed his voice more I’d probably give the album a 7/10. It’s definitely not a bad album, I’d say it’s at least above average. I can see why people like this but it’s just not something I’d have the desire to listen to much. The tracks I favorited are tracks I’d be more likely to come back to though. @AOTWClub
    jankland and DiggleDogg69 like this.
    jankland and DiggleDogg69 like this.
    Sep 19, 2024