Justin Trudeau Presents: Album of the Week Club

Started by Justin Trudeau, May 19, 2024, in Music Add to Reading List

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  1. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Sep 22, 2024 at 11:32 AM
    I'm so sorry that this album was good Ms Rachel Wood :emoji_slight_frown:
    Sep 22, 2024
  2. Justin Trudeau
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 11:36 AM
    I'd honestly start at the start of his discography and go through it all from "portrait of an American family" to his current stuff

    All of his albums even the ones that aren't great have some good tracks on them

    "Smells like children" is an ep from early in his career that's bizarre like truly a f---ing weirdo EP but contains "Sweet Dreams" which is a great song

    Anyways glad you enjoyed it!

    Also "if I was your vampire" is f---ing awesome, he opened with it when i saw him in concert
    Sep 22, 2024
  3. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Sep 22, 2024 at 11:41 AM
    I've been kinda itching to run through a whole discography of someone so this might be a fun one!

    Also I can excuse the business especially around the holiday rush time of the year but you f---ers better not p---- out when the picks start getting weird
    Sep 22, 2024
  4. Ripper Roo
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:22 PM
    Just like with my last pick, there is some great timing involved. This artist is also dropping a new album very soon just like my last artist. Today is also the first day of fall and this artist refers to himself as the king of the fall. So with this in mind, and this being widely agreed upon to be some of his best work, the timing feels just right.

    The Weeknd - House of Balloons

    I’m sure you’ve all heard his big pop hits but I’m not sure how many of you have heard his beginnings. It’s a lot different, he wasn’t always a pop star. With The Weeknd’s newest album supposedly being the death of his “The Weeknd” character, I figured it’s important to show people the beginning. If you’re not a fan of his current music you might like this better.

    This was originally a mixtape not on streaming services but then was put under a compilation called “Trilogy” with 2 other mixtapes. But now this mixtape is on streaming on its own. On Apple Music it’s “House of Balloons (Original)” on Spotify it’s “House Of Balloons - Original”. The Weeknd is one of my favorite singers so I hope yall enjoy!
    Sep 22, 2024
  5. DiggleDogg69
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    DiggleDogg69 Waiting for Terrifier 3 now

    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:26 PM
    Nice! Been meaning to listen to his discog from the top, so this will help me finally make that push!
    jankland, Yeez and Ripper Roo like this.
    jankland, Yeez and Ripper Roo like this.
    Sep 22, 2024
  6. Ripper Roo
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:34 PM
    Yup, our conversation is what helped cement this pick for me. I think his whole discography is great, so you’re in for an amazing odyssey. I don’t know how everyone will like this mixtape, but I think you will like it
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    DiggleDogg69 and jankland like this.
    Sep 22, 2024
  7. Yeez
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    Yeez Yeez 5.0

    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:42 PM
    I’m so hyped to revisit this album. great pick!
    DiggleDogg69, Ripper Roo and jankland like this.
    Sep 22, 2024
  8. Justin Trudeau
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:44 PM
    @AOTWClub @Ripper Roo has chosen:

    The Weeknd- House of Ballons


    I will tally Marilyn Manson- Eat Me, Drink Me on Wednesday morning
    Sep 22, 2024
  9. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Sep 22, 2024 at 3:56 PM
    Listened to House of Balloons before but excited to update my thoughts cause I only heard it once!
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    DiggleDogg69 and Ripper Roo like this.
    Sep 22, 2024
  10. Ripper Roo
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 4:06 PM
    Thanks bro
    Can’t wait to hear your thoughts man

    Side-note: if anyone enjoys this mixtape, I recommend also listening to the next 2 because they are a trilogy!
    DiggleDogg69 and jankland like this.
    DiggleDogg69 and jankland like this.
    Sep 22, 2024
  11. Wreckless
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    Sep 22, 2024 at 4:46 PM

    Should have a review in the next few hours
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    DiggleDogg69 and Ripper Roo like this.
    Sep 22, 2024