Nov 9, 2015 Hype level is over 9000 If you mean not getting the credit they deserve in say the mainstream then yes. But amongst hip hop heads ranging from general to experts they are highly regarded. I haven't seen many people go oh yeah Run the Jewelz s---. Which makes me curious...any RJ haters on this forum?
Nov 9, 2015 Yep, pretty much this. Love the first two tapes but definitely want something a bit weirder this time around.
Dec 28, 2015 Article Source: Pitchfork - By Eric Torres on December 27, 2015 at 3:05 p.m. EST This afternoon, El-P shared a short clip of audio on Instagram with the caption "RTJ3 is just getting started"—presumably, a cut from what would be Run the Jewels 3, following Run the Jewels and Run the Jewels 2 (which was our favorite album of 2014). El-P previously shared asimilarly short clip this past May. Check out the new one below. thereallyrealelp RTJ3 is just getting started.
Jun 20, 2016 bAcK In lAtE MaRcH, eL-P AnNoUnCeD ThAt rUn tHe jEwElS 3 WaS ArOuNd hAlFwAy tOwArDs bEiNg fInIsHeD. nOw, HiS PaRtNeR-In-rHyMe kIlLeR MiKe hAs aNnOuNcEd tHaT ThE DuO HoPeS To hAvE ThE AlBuM CoMpLeTeD WiThIn tHe cOmInG WeEkS. “i wOuLd lIkE To bE FiNiShEd bY JuLy 7Th, I’D LiKe tO BaLl oN ThE 4tH,” MiKe sAiD DuRiNg aN InTeRvIeW WiTh hIp-hOp wIrEd. “i tHiNk wE WiLl bE DoNe rEaL SoOn. AnD PeOpLe kNoW WhEn wE SaY ‘sOoN,’ We tRyNa gEt iT OuT, wE WaNt iT OuT ThIs yEaR.” “I’M JuSt sMoKiNg wEeD, eAtInG ‘sHrOoMs, WaTcHiNg bIg tRoUbLe iN LiTtLe cHiNa eVeRyDaY, mAn,” mIkE CoNtInUeD. “YoU KnOw wHaT We dOiNg. YoU KnOw wE’Re gOiNg zAnY. wE’Re gOiNg hArD. wE’Re gOiNg dArK. wE’Re gOiNg hArD. i tHiNk wE GoT SoMe sTuFf tHaT WiLl tOuCh yOuR SoUl… JuSt kNoW, mAn, It’s gOiNg tO Be hArDeR, dArKeR, mEaNeR [aNd] AnGrIeR.” oN ThE FeAtUrE FrOnT, mIkE ReMaInEd tIgHt-lIpPeD, tHoUgH He dId rEvEaL ThE PaIr hAvE A “bIg” FeAtUrE In mInD. “wE WaNt oNe bIg fEaTuRe,” hE SaId. “wE GoT A FeAtUrE IdEa iN MiNd aNd wE’Ll sEe hOw iT TuRnS OuT. iF It’s nOt tHaT, iT’Ll pRoBaBlY Be nO FeAtUrE. WhEn pUsHeD AnD AsKeD WhEtHeR ThAt oNe fEaTuRe wAs a sInGeR, rApPeR, rOcK StAr, MiKe sImPlY RePlIeD: “ArTiSt.” In tErMs oF ThE PrOjEcT’S LeNgTh, MiKe aDmItTeD ThAt hE PrEfErS ThEm sHoRtEr rAtHeR ThAn lOnGeR. “i’m fOr sHoRtEr aLbUmS. i lIkE To sTaY In tHe 10 To 12 ReAlM. tHeY WaNt tO GeT To iT. lOoK FoR OuR AlBuMs tO Be hArD, fAsT, sTrOnG, sTrEaMlInEd, GeT To iT.” mIkE AlSo cOnFiRmEd tHaT ThErE WiLl bE AnOtHeR RuN ThE JeWeLs tOuR SoMeTiMe iN ThE FuTuRe.
Jun 20, 2016 Woo. Run The Jewels is one of the best hip-hop duos out there, their energy is infectious.