Nov 29, 2018 Huh? My comment is directed to all the communists in this thread. They're proud about it. I'm adressing them.
Nov 29, 2018 you got google don't you?Point was, rags to riches stories can't happen in communist societies. It doesn't allow it to happen
Dec 5, 2018 Implying wealth is the product of a meritocracy. Implying wealth is tied to volume of work. Comparing basic social safety nets for large numbers of people to lottery winners. Complete misunderstanding of what the redistribution would be like. Again, just a child's grasp of how that wealth would be redistributed. Also, more dullard faith in some predestined or inherent superiority in the rich. Weird fetishism. So the richest people work the hardest, but making people rich (again a child's misconception) will make them not work. Huge self contradiction here. My dude saw a supply-demand curve one time. Uh, yeah, that's the idea. Again, just crazy misunderstanding of anything we're talking about.
Dec 9, 2018 No, correction= EVERYBODY WOULD BE IN RAGS: How deluded do you have to be to think, that there could ever exist a functional society where everybdy is well off? In a communist society, EVERYBODY IS STARViNG, EVERYBODY IS POOR. YAY nobody is rich but oh wait, the leaders of the countries still have most of the wealth, we are literal slaves to the state and now we're all poor? Does that sound like a more preferable position as oposed to the one you're in?
Dec 9, 2018 Funny thing is I bet modern (mostly teenage) communists would hate it if they lived in an actual communist society. I'm sure the Ukranians that starved to death as a result of communism had a great time.