Serious CNN incites violence against American citizen

Started by Lucy, Jul 5, 2017, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Cunner
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    Cunner belter skelter

    Jul 5, 2017
    Having the whole world know you have a reddit account is bad enough
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  2. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Even if CNN isn't breaking any laws, which I think they are, it's incredibly messed up to threaten releasing somebody's information, this is just a person living their life and CNN has no right to try and silence them. This is a slippery slope. & cnn is the focus here so I have to consider their reporter but mostly with a grain a salt. What isn't in is how they threatened this guy and that's f----- up. I'm surprised anyone is okay with this tbh
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  3. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Considering this guy is afraid and worried for himself and his family and doesn't want his information released, and considering CNN reserves to right to publish his information if he goes back on his apology and commitment to not criticize them again, I would definitely say they are infringing on his rights to speak freely.
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  4. Enigma
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    Jul 5, 2017
    It's petty but not illegal. Do I feel bad? Not really. I mean do we really need more jmg's of the world? Like @Modest said, your online profile is an extension of yourself. Even if you're "trolling."

    Question: if CNN had went ahead and just published his name, would you have an issue with this?
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  5. Modest
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    Modest I ain't scared bitch, just a whole lotta gang shit

    Jul 5, 2017
    Well this isn't a matter of opinion. What you post online is a direct reflection of yourself. Welcome to the internet age. Trolling and posting racist s--- on a public forum is no different than saying that s--- in a public park or whatever. This idea that because you say something online it doesn't count is incorrect.

    If this monitoring is them using reddit to track him then there's nothing wrong with that. I can monitor you if I wanted to and be 100% within my rights. A public forum is just that, public. As for the blackmail I'm not sure. From the info I have it doesn't seem like there actions would fall under the blackmail statue.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  6. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    It's incredibly petty but also bullying because this guy doesn't want his information out there. & do you mean only his name? But the answer is still yes, as long as this guy still would have expressed he doesn't want any of his information out there. & @Modest I see your point. But I just see this as a slippery slope, and I believe this sets a bad precedent.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  7. Modest
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    Modest I ain't scared bitch, just a whole lotta gang shit

    Jul 5, 2017
    That's not infringement. Infringement is the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc or the action of limiting or undermining something. The government saying you can't burn the flag as a form of free speech without facing jail time is infringement because it violates the freedom to protest & speech clauses of the 1st amendment.

    This isn't a first amendment case because there is no infringement because the 1st amendment does not apply to private companies. He can speak if he wants to. But there may be consequences for said speech. Now how CNN would go about that could potential break a law but it wouldn't be an infringement upon his 1st amendment right to free speech.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  8. Enigma
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Had CNN tried to make an agreement with the guy (which is what @CavalierTillDeath is accusing CNN of) it probably would be blackmail. There's no evidence of that though. The guy told CNN he did not feel threatened and that he approved of their reporting. That's of course according to the reporter who published the story.

    Freedom of press. Press doesn't care what you want. You think Bill Clinton wanted people to know that he was having an affair? No. That didn't stop the media and nor should it. We live in the age of TMZ dude, com'on lol
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  9. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    I get that technically they maybe aren't breaking any laws, but I still believe this is morally wrong. & CNN really needs to focus on their image right now. Any unnecessary controversy should be avoided at this point. & @Enigma Idk if I'd call it an agreement, he just complied to them for his safety.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  10. Modest
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    Modest I ain't scared bitch, just a whole lotta gang shit

    Jul 5, 2017
    That I can kinda agree with. They shouldn't be focused on trivial matters. The covette (or whatever it was), his wife not holding his hand, and the other little stupid matters that received a ton of press coverage was beyond stupid. They need to focus on reporting the facts and not whatever agenda they have. But in fairness, that can be said about media on both sides.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  11. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    I just hate how Trump tweets something and all they focus on is that.. How about going after what they actually should? Trump's foreign policy is a disaster, for example. He can basically get away with doing s--- because they focus on the little things
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    Oct 18, 2024
  12. Modest
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    Modest I ain't scared bitch, just a whole lotta gang shit

    Jul 5, 2017
    Exactly my problem. News media have such a powerful voice and are so instrumental to the democratic process; it's frustrating when they chose to get people fixated on the wrong things. It's like they're just trying to market themselves to assholes on twitter who do nothing but try to get their memes off.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  13. Enigma
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Both republicans and democrats in congress are pushing legislation to revoke his war authority. Basically after 9/11 congress passed AUMF which allowed the president to strike Al-Qaeda and all it's affiliates without congressional approval. Congress now is finally trying to revoke that so all his military actions must go through congress first.
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  14. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    I can't stand the media.. I may be a republican but I rate fox the same as all the others. They are agenda pushing rich assholes who could care less about real reporting. That's why social media and independent new channels are so important. & to his credit, Trump did realize that. But it's a shame our media is so obviously biased.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  15. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Congress should always have a say in that, and the bush admin was corrupt as f--- so this makes sense. But if there was a legitimate reason for him to use military action, I doubt congress would approve it, so idk, thats a f----- up situation.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  16. Enigma
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    Jul 5, 2017
    What's going to happen I think is they'll basically put together another AUMF but more restrictive. Because could you imagine congress having to approve every single military action? That would be so inefficient.
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  17. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Yeah I can understand that. I think congress should have a say. As long as some of the obstructionists don't tie up military action cuz of muh trump hatred. Like if he organized a strike against North Korea, I'd support it, but I doubt a majority would sign onto it. & it's also kinda hypocritical, cuz Obama bi-based congress to start some serious s---.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  18. Modest
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    Modest I ain't scared bitch, just a whole lotta gang shit

    Jul 5, 2017
    IDK if congress would or should approve any military actions against NK. From my understanding they already have short-mid range missiles that can carry a nuke. They're far away from being able to bomb the US mainland but they can hit our allies and military bases in the area.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  19. CavalierTD
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    Jul 5, 2017
    Supposedly the missle they just tested could reach Hawaii just not the mainland here. But still, if that's true, they aren't too far off from being able to hit us. I think if the NK situation is put off for another 10-15 years we'll have a threat to us. I mean. The regime there basically lives to k--- the awful Americans lol. I think we have to do something and take a tough stance. But it's a fragile situation. I would say if we try to unify the peninsula we only provide air support. SK troops would have to occupy the land.
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    Oct 18, 2024
  20. Isaak
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    Jul 5, 2017
    nah, this merica' , we should have the freedom to say an express our opinions in any way we want. Thats what our country has always been, I think its bs that a media company thinks they have the power to take that away from anyone they want, any person the media doesnt like for any reason, they tear down an make em look like dog shyt an destroy lives, how is that okay? we're the country of freedom arent we?? allowed to express ourselves an voice opinion no matter how controversial it is or how biased it is, or even how f----- up an childish it is, whatever it is it doesn't matter, One of the biggest things about america is freedom, free will, opinion, regardless of what it is noone should be threatened basically to have their life ruined by a f---in media company, are they god? jesus? president? why do they think they have that power? Why are we all listening to a f---in tv an facebook to tell us what to do an who to like an whats right an wrong, fck thattt
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    Oct 18, 2024