Best Posts: Avicii Commited Suicide According To Family

  1. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    Apr 26, 2018
    avicii's family sent a letter to all the major news papers in sweden explaining the situation

    the letter in swedish according to

    "Vår älskade Tim var en sökare, en skör konstnärssjäl som alltid burit på stora existentiella frågor. En överpresterande perfektionist som reste och jobbade hårt i ett tempo som ledde till extremt svår stress.

    När han slutat turnera ville han hitta en balans i livet för att må bra och kunna göra det han älskade mest – musik.

    Han kämpade verkligen med tankar om Meningen, Livet, Lyckan.

    Nu orkade han inte längre.

    Han ville få frid.

    Tim var inte gjord för det maskineri han hamnade i, han var en ömhudad kille som älskade sina fans men skydde rampljuset.

    Tim, du kommer för alltid att vara älskad och saknad.

    Den du var och din musik kommer att bära minnet av dig vidare.

    Vi älskar dig,


    im too lazy to translate it atm but google translate gets the point across


    "Our beloved Tim was a searcher, a crazy artist who always cared for great existential issues. An overpriced perfectionist who traveled and worked hard at a pace that led to extremely difficult stress.

    When he finished the tour he wanted to find a balance in life to feel good and be able to do what he loved most music.

    He really struggled with thoughts about the meaning, life, happiness.

    Now he no longer hurried.

    He wanted peace.

    Tim was not made for the machinery he ended up in. He was a handsome guy who loved his fans but protected the spotlight.

    Tim, you will forever be loved and missing.

    The one you were and your music will bear the memory of you on.

    We love you,


    d--- this is sad asf :lol6:
    Lil Squeed, Caine and QueenOfTheDead like this.
    Lil Squeed, Caine and QueenOfTheDead like this.
    Apr 25, 2024