Jul 31, 2015
Sign Language, Alpha, BIGFOOT and 8 others like this.
Nov 18, 2017
HOLY f---! This was by far the best show I have been to (not saying much since this was my third show but f--- it)! As you guys saw in the photo I had a pretty good view. On the drive there I was worried about how much fun I'd have since I wouldn't be there with any friends or family this time. That was all solved when I found my seat. I sat down and the guy to my left said "What's up man?', and from there we just started to talk a ton of wrestling. The people to my right were these two brothers. Now, I'm not sure if the brother (who was the younger of the two) sitting next to me was r-----ed, or just a super fan who has lost touch with reality. I couldn't tell how old he was, but he was definitely younger than me (I'm 18). He was yelling the whole time and doing his own play by play commentary like "GeT oFf ThE RoPeS!" and "GeT tHe JaPaNeSe WoMaN oUt Of HeRe!" during the women's match, to which his brother gave him a little warning to not say that again. It seemed as if he thought it was real still. I also sat near some funny smarky-guys who kept cracking little jokes here and there, so that was nice! Another thing, Bullet Club shirts everywhere! I MEAN EVERYWHERE!
All of the matches were great imo. The crowd's energy added to it all, especially during the last three matches. Black vs Dream was definitely the dark horse match, ending was exactly what I wanted to happen. Although Kairi didn't win, the women's match was still great. Asuka, Funaki, and Finn Balor were ringside for this match. I'd say I was about 100 feet from where Asuka was, and my god she looks even better in person! Glad that Ember Moon finally got the title, good for her! The NXT title match was great. The whole arena (including myself) was surprised when Andrande won, like legit shocked. I think I see why they did this. They will have the rematch at takeover philly and then have drew vs adam at takeover new orleans, thus saving the money match for mania weekend. HOLY s--- THE WAR GAMES MATCH!!!!! Words cannot express this match. Perhaps complete carnage would be the only words. Match of the night for sure! Those spots MY GOD. I sent @tomroe93 a snapchat of the top of the cage suplex spot lol. What a f---ing match! Glad to see UE get the win! Oh btw @Big Dangerous yo girl Alexa was ringside too, she had a clique of females with her.
Now after the show ended, I encountered two people. I'm not sure if any of you guys watch Wrestling With Wregret, but I encountered that tan guy with the weird hair who is Brian Zane's friend and has on the show sometimes. I walked past him and did a double take and then was like "Hey aren't you on Wrestling WIth Wregret?" To which he replied "Why yes I am, want to be on the show?" I obviously said yes and we filmed a segment where he asked me about my thoughts on the show and stuff. Not sure if he'll use it though, as I've never been good in front of a camera. But who knows, if I end up being in a video I'll let y'all know. After that I went to my car and started to drive home. I was sitting at a stoplight where a cop was directing traffic. I'm facing the intersection at a red light and traffic is going in front of me to the left. A car pulls up to the cop who is directing traffic because he wants to turn right but the cop is saying no. The window rolls down AND IT'S SHINSUKE NAKAMURA!!!!!!!! My first thought was to roll down my window, stick my head out and yell "SHINSUKE SHINSUKE!", but I didn't want to be "that fan", so I decided not to mark out lol.
Here are some more photos I took:
Apr 16, 2017
Aug 10, 2015
Seth Rollins just shouted out Compton (also the NWA movie) on Raw @Comptonsoul intent, Lucy, Reed Richards and 5 others like this. -
Mar 29, 2018
I had a crush on this girl in kindergarten and I s--- you not one time during gym I gave her a stone cold stunner
How many ppl can say thatSHUDEYE, Gloku, Sign Language and 4 others like this. -
Dec 25, 2017
Merry whatever you celebrate, brothers @WrestlingBros(This ad goes away when signing up) -
May 8, 2017
@WrestlingBros been binge watching my two favorite wrestlers on WWENetwork the past 3 weeks, here are my thoughts on their best matches (not all I watched but what I thought to rate)
Shawn Michaels vs Diesel ****1/2
Shawn Michaels Vs HHH 12/29/03 ****1/4
Shawn Michaels vs Bulldog KOTR96 ****1/4
Shawn Michaels vs Mankind Mind Games****1/2
Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker Bad Blood ****1/2
Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 ****1/2
Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart WM12 ****1/2
HBK/Austin vs Hart/Bulldog 5/26/97 ****1/4
HBK vs Austin KOTR 97 ****1/4
HBK vs Marty Jannetty Raw #26 ****
Shawn Michaels vs Triple H SS02 ****1/4
HBK vs Benoit Raw #571 5/3/04 ****1/2
HBK Benoit 2/16/04 ****1/4
HBK vs Ramon WM 10 *****
HBK vs Austin WM 14 ***3/4
HBK vs HHH vs Benoit WM20 ****3/4
HBK vs HHH vs Benoit Backlash 04 ****1/2
HBK vs Kurt Angle WM21 *****
HBK vs Ric Flair ****
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker WM25 *****
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker WM26
Steve Austin vs Bret Hart SS96 ****1/4
Steve Austin vs Bret Hart WM13 *****
Steve Austin vs The Undertaker SS98 ***1/2
Steve Austin vs The Undertaker fully loaded99 ***3/4
Steve Austin vs Dude Love IYH21 ****1/4
Steve Austin vs Dude Love IYH22 99****1/4
Steve Austin vs The Rock WM 15***3/4
Steve Austin vs The Rock Backlash 99 ****
Steve Austin vs Triple H No Mercy 99 ***3/4
Steve Austin vs Triple H No Way Out 2001 ****3/4
Steve Austin vs The Rock WM17 *****
Steve Austin & HHH vs Jericho/Benoit01 ****3/4
Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle Summerslam 01 ****3/4
Jericho/Rock vs Austin/Angle 01 ****
Steve Austin vs Chris Benoit 5/28/2001 ****1/4
Steve Austin vs Benoit 5/31/2001****1/2
Steve Austin vs The Rock WM19 ****
Really puts into perspective for me just how incredible Austin's 2001 was. Imo the best year any WWE superstar has had as far as match quality by far
What are some of your favorite runs by a single wrestler? Title reigns, years, eraRobTheDude, Pinhead, Gloku and 4 others like this. -
Sign Language, Juney Dark, Red Rum and 4 others like this.
Jan 12, 2019
Pinhead, Sign Language, Gloku and 3 others like this. -
May 24, 2018
Fr that was my first PS2 game. Played the s--- out of it, one of my most played games of ALL TIME -
May 13, 2018
Apr 16, 2018
During Finn Balor's entrance on Raw Corey Graves accidentally said THE BULLET CLUB IS FOR EVERYONE!! -
Mar 9, 2018
Did you see that guy that was claiming Roman bought steroids from him finally posted a video as proof and it was Luther ReignsAlpha, Pinhead, Big Dangerous and 3 others like this.(This ad goes away when signing up) -
Feb 1, 2018
I have zero interest in watching pro wrestling but I went to a local wrestling match thing that my gf's coworker was in and it was actually p fun. I wanna hate it so bad because it's dumb as f--- but I can see how people get into it so no judgement lolGloku, tomroe93, Big Dangerous and 3 others like this. -
Jan 30, 2018
Also this has nothing to do with wrestling but I'm drunk and just hit up my ex-girlfriend's momJay Zeus, RobTheDude, Alpha and 3 others like this. -
Oct 17, 2017
Oh s--- @Changeling , just saw Alexa!!
Holy s--- man, she had less makeup and looked even hotter in person. i was going down the escalator while she and her boyfriend or finance or whatever were going up the escalator. Alexa and I locked eyes for a moment and I just about died tbh...Juney Dark, Alpha, tomroe93 and 3 others like this.(This ad goes away when signing up) - Mar 13, 2025
Jun 12, 2017
Okada and Omega are this generations Savage/Steamboat, Austin/Rock, etc... it's a shame that a lot of people are unaware that these matches are even happening because they just stay in the WWE bubblePinhead, Alpha, Juney Dark and 3 others like this. -
Jun 12, 2017
What a f---ing matchPinhead, Juney Dark, Gloku and 3 others like this. -
Jun 4, 2017
The fact that there's no thread that has been created for Extreme Rules says a lot about the product and the stupid lazy booking.
@WrestlingBrosSign Language, Username, Kush Gawd and 3 others like this.