Best Posts: J. Cole Nation: Chat Thread

  1. Bliss
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    Bliss I don't have any bitches

    Nov 29, 2015
    I'm f---ing numb right now fam. Just sitting and walking in my room for almost an hour. f---ing Epic Records reached out to me for beats. A&R with a f---ing mail wants my beats for the artists on Epic. I don't know what the f--- is happening bro. And honestly don't give a f--- if something comes out of it or not. The point is, it's confirmation I'm doing something right. Dudes will reach out again if they did once, for sure. I'm too hyped cause of Cole & Kendrick not to share this.

    f--- you IB, I'm coming and I'm gonna bring my goons with me
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    Henny, lasiiik, Rae Jean and 39 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  2. Kold
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    Oct 13, 2016
    Just wanted to let to let y'all know that I don't know what the f--- going on cause I don't see myself as a rapper at all but I just won a cypher competition and this s--- surreal. I don't know whether I'm gonna actually pursue music for real or anything but just felt like I needed to share with the JCN family. People like y'all are the reason I'm so into music and did something like this so I appreciate y'all.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    lasiiik, ady, Bliss and 30 others like this.
    lasiiik, ady, Bliss and 30 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  3. johnny waverock
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    johnny waverock nostalgiatic

    Apr 12, 2015
    JB was found in a coma leaned over his computer with an open email from IB saying "Knight Rider is a myth."

    Bliss is twelve minutes sober

    Rae Jean is BrothaMan who is ODB's adoptive father.

    Hasman got arrested at Coachella for attempting to break intro Drake's trailer during a professionally sanctioned simp session

    Other than that, a--- eating is still in style and Cole is still the guy
    Feb 10, 2025
  4. Bliss
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    Bliss I don't have any bitches

    May 2, 2015
    The trip was wild fam. A f---ing 14 hour drive til Zurich with no sleep. I havent slept for about 60 hours til we were on a train back home plus I got sunstroke from sitting in the sun while waiting for the show. Dreamer probably saw the very worst of me and I saw the worst of him :laff:

    But anyway, it was dope, you can an tell that Cole has blown up Drake style cause they were a lot of 16-17 year old kids at this show. A lot of dudes came to the show 30 minutes before it started, so I was convinced this is gonna be Cole's biggest L of his career, cause we was standing there and waiting with those annoying kids. Omen preformed some exclusive s--- from Elephant Eyes and I recorded it, but s--- was trash as f--- so I won't upload it :laff: Cozz was GOAT, "I'm Tha Man" shut the whole building down, his energy is wild. Bas was in another dimension and I really don't care about him, but he did alright. To see Cole live was definitely an experience, and there ain't no competition when it comes to live performers, cause he is the GOAT. Everything was on point, I really enjoyed the show. Dude performed Lights Please and in the middle of the first verse he saw me rapping it like crazy so we looked at each other and rapped til the end of it :mjcry: FHD sounds great live and he finally has some turn up s--- with Fire Squad, Tale of 2 Citiez and GOMD which he didn't have before. After the show, I get to holla at Omen and asked him about Elephant Eyes and he said it's coming soon, and I said I'm patiently waiting and keep doing and being you and he looked humbled and appreciative af and then I took a pic with TDK :mjcry: Got to say what up to Cozz too, he also has something coming up soon, the dude is legendary, I'm a stan.

    s--- was an experience and definitely shout out to Dreamer who I met like 2 years ago on this forum and we in the end ended up going to a show together. I don't feel like writing everything we been through but it was worth the money. IB is a fa---- for not showing himself cause he knew he would catch a fade from me. f--- that irrelevant a--- b----.

    And oh yea, shout out to Ced too, the biggest loner in the world :laff:
    Last edited: May 2, 2015
    Feb 10, 2025
  5. KLD3816
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    KLD3816 Love yourz.

    Feb 26, 2015
    To my JCN family, my lil one was delivered today. Mother is healthy. My daughter is healthy and well. :emoji_heart::emoji_fire:Greatest day of my life!! Shout out to @Akaash!
    Uncle Luke, Jordan, Maya and 28 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  6. heirmozhi
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    Dec 1, 2016
    Well s---, time to prepare for my trip to Target...
    Jordan, Equis, Ordinary Joel and 25 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  7. Equis
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    Sep 14, 2015
    my grandma passed away yesterday fam :emoji_slight_frown:
    she was more than just a grandma to me, she was my second mom in every sense of the meaning.
    I moved into her house when I was 4 or 5 and she helped raised me. she took my brother, me, mom and dad in cause we had no place good to go. she could of left to live with her sisters in florida but she stayed with us, she'd always say 'im here because of you 2 kids', she was my biggest supporter and I wouldn't be who I am and where I am without her.
    I miss her like crazy but I know she will always be with me.
    Miss you grandma, love you grandma.
    Mike Tyson, krowned, Esco and 25 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  8. RubiksCube
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    May 3, 2015
    I'm getting married FAM


    I know it's been a while...been busy with life. Just wanted to drop by and share the news.

    Feb 10, 2025
  9. 2014 Forever Lives JCN
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    Apr 21, 2015

    jokes its bad and hella awkward but y'all n----s so crazy making such a big deal out of it as usual ...

    and I love how u guys are missing the point completely because i haven't even seen one person mention:

    the video ends with cole and the girl f---ing, its ironic because the whole video is about the dogs and makes u think thats the love story when in actuality the whole time cole was just using his dog to get with the girl who also happens to have a dog ... so theres a whole another "human" love story going on between cole and the girl that cud been the basis of the video but u don't even think about it because of the dogs ... while cole and the girl are not even thinking/realizing what their dogs are doing cause they just trying to get with each other ...


    still waiting on short film of 03 adolescence/tale of 2 cities otherwise he misses a huge opportunity
    Rae Jean, Rowney, Equis and 25 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  10. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Nov 28, 2016
    so me and drew started JCN. well i started it, but drew was there from like the 5th day so i just gotta say that we're both co-founders and owners of that.

    akaash jumped on at a time that we were already very well established (roc nation, mtv, elliot wilson, j. cole and IB etc. etc. connections). but the thing was both me and drew were burnt out on cole so he came and took over the blog and did a fantastic job. 100% respect him for that, that's why we used to call him the young god.

    at some point he got an internship with HHNM which was great, both me and drew were happy for him. but at some point he started retweeting all the HHNM tweets of the jcolenation twitter and drew took issue to that.

    near the end of JCN, me and drew got to talking and we wanted to do a full culture blog. we talked to akaash and brought him on too. so the 3 of us were gonna launch it ground up, which was a lot of work, but drew and i had done it once in the past with JCN, and had no doubt we could do it this time. akaash expressed to us that he was fully on board.

    when the blog went live though, he ghosted. came up to us saying "i'm sorry just been busy" etc. etc. me and drew held down the blog just the two of us, and it was a lot to manage, but we made huge waves. top link on reddit, tweeted out by j. cole, back linked on every major blog including thisis50 (my idol), contacted for advertising and interviews with sony artists, etc. but it was a lot of work for just the two of us.

    so when i finally texted akaash asking what was up, his response pretty much summed up what this n----- was the whole time, and put me in a place i would never work on him again. he discredited all of mine and drew's work, said we had no professionalism and made click-bait titles.

    the thing is, that's easy to say for him. he jumped on JCN when me and drew had done ALL of the work, and then jumped on HHNM when it was already a massive blog. this dude has never built anything from the ground up, but getting a internship for $20 a month at HHNM really got to this n-----'s head. like bro, starving n----s in africa are getting more than $20 a month. unicef sponsors getting more than that bro :laff: dude really felt like he was an authority to discredit everything me and drew had done (and done for him) because he got to sit with the big boys for a few months.

    a man would have just told us he wasn't interested in being involved rather than telling us he was in from the jump, leaving us to do all of the work, and then disrespecting everything we had done in his absence.

    i got 0 respect for the guy. the thing is, the s--- he was saying was 100% not even his words. he got worked by the owner of HHNM, and all of the comments about our professionalism (or lack there of) and what not were quite clearly his. so to get manipulated to the point you're regurgitating the words of someone else, you're a female dawg.

    i got no respect for akaash, i never will.

    i hope that n----- living well off his $20 a month salary and feeling v accomplished for being able to sit at a table with people who have done way more than he'll ever be capable of.

    at the end of the day, me and drew did more with than SXN80 blog than he could ever do without a hand out. that's all that matters.
    Feb 10, 2025
  11. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Feb 17, 2016
    I am ecstatic to announce the newest addition to my famiity
    As of yesterday evening I am the proud new father of a macbook pro
    She is beautiful
    She was set up at 6:11PM
    Weighed in at 4.3lbs
    Is 15.4 inches when measured diagonally across the screen
    Her name is Maggie
    Mother is healthy but she's pissed cus she only got some flowers for valentines
    And father is broke af :futuaface::futuaface::futuaface:
    Nori, Equis, Esco and 24 others like this.
    Nori, Equis, Esco and 24 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  12. Bliss
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    Bliss I don't have any bitches

    Nov 28, 2015
    I put together Cole's and Kendrick's version and did a little twist to make it sound like an official remix for my own listening pleasure so if anyone has the same desire too, you're welcome :idk:

    Archie96X, eddie, Fire Squad and 23 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  13. Kold
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    Apr 2, 2015
    Welp. Its time. Im not even gonna play it cool I've been waiting on this s--- since the J. Cole Lost/Team f--- J. Cole Era began. I knew this day was coming

    By the way ODB used to be Cruz on old JCN.



    And then just a few weeks ago he couldn't help himself. He had to do it again...


    @ODB one of the Cole Fam OG's but even he has to admit as the leader of the Team J. Cole Lost movement the end of the Cole Lost Era has come.


    No one should ever doubt the unibrowed light-skinned Jesus ever again.

    Any Cole hate/doubt will bring nothing but L's. I rest my case :coleshh:
    Feb 10, 2025
  14. Cool Hand Luke
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    Cool Hand Luke born sinner is mediocre

    Mar 13, 2015
    Okay its time for my story about how the FBI almost came at me for having the Art of Peer Pressure like 2 months before it even leaked to the public. I changed the usernames of the guys on KTT for obvious reasons.
    This is all like June 2012

    So I'm talking to this "MSN" guy on KTT whose heard The Heart Pt.3 (og version apparently), Sherane & BDKMV and a few other things i cant remember that might not have leaked. He goes 'I know you got that Peer Pressure track, send it to me, I'm supposed to be getting the gaga track tonight' so I'm sitting there like hype as f---.[​IMG] Feeling all presidential the way i got these exclusives. And I got complete trust in this guy cause he's proved it to me.
    I sent him the song. He's talking about his source coming online soon. Awesome, all is cool at this point, I'm waiting for "Lays" (my guy who gave me peer pressure)'s source to come online so I could get Money Treez or something (for free again).
    Nothing happens that night for either of us. Whatever, I didn't even mind. A few days later msn's PMing me like "yo my source is FINALLY online" so I'm f---ing amped. One thing lead to another and this MFer needs my phone number cause he told his source that I was getting songs too and tells me he has a crazy idea for my site (which was irrelevant, but okay). I knew this is what Koolo used to go through to get songs (on the phone and all that s---) so I'm feeling myself thinking im getting super important. He calls my phone, he has a much deeper voice than I expected and didn't really know what I had besides Peer Pressure, he thought I got Money Treez too and he was asking if I was trustworthy of not leaking and s---.
    The conversation ended and all seemed to be going well. Then I click refresh on KTT and I get a new message from MSN...he says something along the lines of "yo the FBI and some representative from interscope, they just came into my house and s--- asking about these songs, that was them on the phone and on the message before this, they're after you too"[​IMG] and I'm like [​IMG] . I'm freaking out, I'm only 15 at the time and these MFers gon pull to my house in like 5 trucks and bust down the door in front of my parents. Worst of all I had family from out of town in the house for that weekend.
    So I'm contacting this guy MSN and seeing what I could do so they don't come and k--- me Liam Neeson style. (all at the same time looking at my driveway every 10 seconds). Finally he says that he can DM Punch over twitter cause Punch is following him.
    MSN tells them over twitter.
    Punch says something roughly along the lines of "we wont have a problem if we can find who originally stole it." So im looking all over and at the time i was decent with like, i dont wanna say hacking, but finding out hidden s---. And i found lay's source's name. MSN sends this name over twitter.
    Says that they will call me again soon (turns out it was them/fbi on the phone that time), probably around 12-2 AM EST. I got school the next day which I wake up at 5:40 for. So I know I won't be getting much sleep tonight....I wait til 2, they never call...I put my phone under my pillow so in case they do I'll wake up (but I never get any sleep anyway because I'm still scared as a MFer tbh). [​IMG]
    They never contact me the entire next day. I gotta do that s--- again cause they said they'd call at night cause they're doing s--- during the day. Im running on like 2 hours lf sleep between the course of 2 days. They never call. I tell MSN about this and he says "I guess that means they caught him and the air is clear for us" which I was cool with, and then he says "at least you can tell people you spoke with Ali on the phone" and I'm like [​IMG] that was ALI? Like MixedbyAli?? I coulda asked him about an interview for KDN if he ever called again to clear things up.

    ....but at least i got out of the s--- without any trouble. Then a month or two later the song leaked :laff:
    Feb 10, 2025
  15. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Mar 2, 2017
    And as of this morning im a dad :mjcry:
    ady, AgentDB7, Equis and 22 others like this.
    ady, AgentDB7, Equis and 22 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  16. King Simba
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    Mar 13, 2016
    that ain't reaching him til 2018
    GKBS, Maya, JLim51 and 22 others like this.
    GKBS, Maya, JLim51 and 22 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025
  17. johnny waverock
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    johnny waverock nostalgiatic

    Dec 10, 2015
    @Mike Tyson and Justin Bieber are having a civic union, @ODB is presiding over the ceremony, and all of JCN is invited.

    @Bliss is releasing a concept album titled "Rock Bottom's Up: The Plastic Bottle Chronicles" featuring such legends as Kanye West, Jamie Foxx, and David Hasselhoff.

    @KLD3816 caught a charge after he assaulted IB backstage at a Cole concert and stapled his Dreamville merch receipt to IB's forehead.

    @CarolinaFiend still can't get a ride and Kobe still can't make a shot.
    Feb 10, 2025
  18. Cool Hand Luke
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    Cool Hand Luke born sinner is mediocre

    Sep 2, 2015
    It's always important to post this s--- right here

    First blog. First post. On the real, I have no clue what this blog is gonna turn into. I debated whether it would be hip hop based, or more social/political. I decided though, to let go of any expectations and just let s--- flow however it may. No rules, restrictions or guidelines.

    On that note, an introduction is necessary.

    J. Cole. Rapper and Producer out of Fayetteville, North Carolina. I spent my college years in NYC at St. John's University. I used college as the tool to move closer to the music industry, as music has been my dream since 13. Now graduated (Magna c-m Laude, holla), all energies are devoted to the steady climb to the top.

    I still represent the Ville in all of my music. It's important that I give all due respect and loyalty to the city and state that molded me through all of my experiences. It's my ultimate dream to see my city shine along with the many other talented artists coming out of the region. No doubt it's gonna happen. I'ma see to it.

    My first mixtape is now out and available for download. It's called "The Come Up" and is hosted by DJ On Point. download here for free

    With that said, stick with me. It's gonna be a crazy journey.
    Feb 10, 2025
  19. Bliss
    Posts: 4,307
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    Bliss I don't have any bitches

    Apr 8, 2015
    I just reached 1000 subscribers on youtube :mjcry:

    Got this dude Logan on my beat who's making some noise in Chicago rn :mjcry:

    Bout to drop a beat tape soon :mjcry:

    Saw the prettiest girl in a long time but she still underage :mjcry:

    Gonna produce for Omen soon :mjcry:

    Got 666 posts also, illuminati confirmed :mjcry:

    f--- :mjcry:
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    Feb 10, 2025
  20. J.T.
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    Mar 25, 2015

    :dead: This is sad.
    krowned, Equis, Yourz and 22 others like this.
    krowned, Equis, Yourz and 22 others like this.
    Feb 10, 2025