Nov 11, 2022MBDTF was a peak music moment
icecube, Ordinary Joel, Koke and 3 others like this.
Nov 11, 2022
Should be a fun thread. Let's go
10/10 stunning segment of the song.Evad, Ordinary Joel, Rodamon and 2 others like this.(This ad goes away when signing up) -
Nov 12, 2022
Ordinary Joel, Marsh and BIGFOOT like this. -
Nov 11, 2022
Final hook of illest mfer aliveasvdawg, Ordinary Joel and Rodamon like this. -
Nov 11, 2022
Runaway outro
Blame game kanye singing the hook
The whole all of the lights song
Good fridays
Kid cudi on guilt trip
Blood on the leaves ending
On sight beat switch to sample
Kanyes performance on Freestyle 4
Kanye outshining kendrick on no more parties in la
Andre 3000 on 30 hours
Whole 808s & heartbreak album
Kanye on the joy
there is many more that i forgot 100%Ordinary Joel, Koke and Ricky like this. -
Nov 11, 2022
His events when he takes some time to really plan them
Ordinary Joel, poopdogg and Koke like this.