Wrestling Why can't adults watch wrestling?

Started by Kon, Feb 3, 2016, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. Kon
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    Feb 3, 2016
    'Because it's fake' - Okay but so is every TV show you're a fan of, there's plenty of injury risk involved in wrestling (just right now for example a lot of the top stars are out due to injuries) but yes obviously it's scripted. I can't speak for everyone but I personally see wrestling on TV as a TV show not a sport since I see sports as a competition where there's a winner and loser and it's not planned. For me wrestling's more about stories and entertainment. So why exactly should it being scripted be enough for me to not watch it?

    'Because it's gay' - Don't even really know where to start with this one lol. Swimmers wear trunks too and no one ever says s--- about that, MMA fighters are half naked and no one ever bashes UFC for that.

    'Because it's for kids' - I think this argument is mainly referring to the 'fake' aspect again since kids supposedly don't know it's set up. I disagree with this because in 2016 any kid can just go online and look up anything about wrestling and quickly find out the truth. So I don't really feel even kids for the most part buy into it being real, I mean I'm sure some do but not nearly as many as there used to be.

    'Because it sucks' - Yeah it often does actually, I don't disagree with that. But why does that bother you then and why am I not supposed to watch it just cuz I'm over a certain age?

    Anyways I'm just curious to hear people's opinions here, it's kinda weird to me how wrestling fans who still watch as adults (quite a few by the way) get constant s--- for it. I'm hardly following wrestling at all lately but it's simply cuz it's very bad right now, when it gets good again I'll certainly get more into it once again.
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    Sep 28, 2024
  2. Fitzy
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    Fitzy BeliGOAT

    Feb 3, 2016
    Because Stone Cold said so
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  3. Kon
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    Feb 4, 2016
    Okay that's not a bad reason.
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    SHUDEYE Kerser is the sickest.

    Feb 4, 2016
    I think most people do acknowledge that it's as 'fake' as the others shows they watch however the other shows they watch have vastly superior acting to the point it makes wrestling look incredibly corny and amateur.

    I'm (I guess you could still say) a wrestling fan (at heart I guess) but you wouldn't catch me dead watching WWE. That is flat out rubbish. RAW is unwatchable as a fan or not as a fan. It's just s--- in general it's got nothing to do with the cliche reasons for disliking it.
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    SHUDEYE Kerser is the sickest.

    Feb 4, 2016
    Also trying to run it like an 'entertainment show' with Hollywood writers rather than going back to old school 'rasslin booking has proven to be a huge mistake imo. ROH I can actually watch an episode of and not get bored and its just simple wrestling booking 101.

    WWE is trying so hard to be something it's not. Especially with the WWE Network having all these in-house reality shows trying to be some massive entertainment juggernaut whilst forgetting this little world they've created with all these endeavors still comes back to and in the end no matter what is centred around 2 guys fighting in a ring.
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  6. Dirty F
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    Feb 4, 2016
    Adults can do whatever they want. They can watch wrestling if they want. They can also assume that most adult wrestling fans are weird stunted man-children until proven otherwise, if they want.
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  7. CJ Poe
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    CJ Poe The Dark Vegan

    Feb 4, 2016
    I've always watched wrestling.. ever since I was six, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon...

    I think it was about 6 months there where I stopped watching religiously; but caught it on occasion..but never really "stopped"

    I'll always be a fan..and don't see myself stopping anytime soon, or if at all
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  8. Kon
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    Feb 4, 2016
    lol this wasn't really what I was trying to get at though, I'm not referring to the people that just don't enjoy watching it.

    Yeah @Bleed I started watching on a regular basis when I was 11, I stopped for 9 months once then I had a chance to go to WM21 and started watching again. I skip a lot of the shows lately though, I gotta start watching NXT and ROH again cuz those are both better than raw and PPVs right now I'm sure.
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  9. CJ Poe
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    CJ Poe The Dark Vegan

    Feb 4, 2016
    oh for sure.. I must admit I haven't watched NXT in about 6 months.. because I cancelled my network subscription

    I'll probably go on watchwrestling.net and catch up though..lol I like Lucha Underground as well
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  10. Heisenberg
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    Feb 9, 2016
    As a kid and teenager I loved wrestling. It was something that every week by 8pm I was in front of the TV ready for Raw and I'd talk about it afterwards online with my friends or at class the next day. I was hooked from the brett hart days to the Monday night wars to the WWE invasion storyline.
    I think the reason I lost interest in wrestling was that I just felt that the storylines and rivalrys just weren't interesting to me anymore. I started noticing there just wasn't as much build up anymore like I remembered. They would build up main events at PPVs for 3-4 weeks and then on to the next opponent.
    When I was a kid we would go visit family in Mexico and there was this smaller regional circuit that had this rival between the top face and heel in that league and they were in a fued for about 6 months that ended with them finally going 1v1 in a mask vs mask fight. They wrestled in tag team matches and came in during the others matches to get a cheap shot but the hype for when they finally met was unreal in that area. It was a lumberjack type match with a best out of 3. I remember calling my cousins the next day from the states to ask who won.
    Also miss the superstars like Rock, Austin, Y2J, DX, and a few others that I didn't see newer stars keep me entertained like the past personalities. I don't know maybe it's changed but I haven't watched raw in about a decade.
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  11. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Feb 9, 2016
    They can do whatever they want. That doesn't mean I have to look highly upon the "sport". It's no different than Jerry Springer or Honey Boo Boo to me. I'd be embarrassed if I enjoyed rasslin', but thankfully I'm not 12 anymore. Enjoy your white trash past time.
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    Sep 28, 2024