Feb 29, 2016 This theory has been tossed around before but I wanted to throw some of my ideas around. This is another longy btw so buckle up for another one of my patent pending TL:DR posts. Rey is The Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, reincarnated. She was reborn to right the wrongs she had committed. Anakin was born a slave on a desert planet. He HATED sand (As AOTC made clear). Jakku was her/his purgatory. The flag directly over Maz's castle is Anakins flag from the Pod Race in Episode 1, almost like a sign that what she/he is seeking is straight ahead. She receives a vision from ANAKINS Light Saber. When has anyone received a vision like that from a light saber (At least in the films) and why would she receive one if she was just a normal jedi or another Skywalker? The moment she receives the vision and is dropped into that hallway, you hear Vader breathing, an echo of her past life. There's a reason Anakin does not communicate with Ren. Because he is no longer a spirit. he has been reborn as Rey. It works so perfectly. Ren is the ultimate Vader fan boy. Rey is the real thing. It makes the scene where Rey gets the Saber instead of Ren that much more powerful. The Saber never belonged to that knock off (AND THATS THE WHOLE POINT, HE's A KNOCK OFF/Fan Boy), it belongs to Anakin/Rey. That is the moment where she reclaims her heritage. Anakin Skywalker, The Chosen One, has returned. I never felt like ROTJ was the ending we needed. Don't get me wrong, I love Jedi, but one plot point has never been brought to a close, bringing balance to the force. The Jedi and the Sith must unite together, Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, to bring balance to the force, and defeat the ultimate evil Supreme Leader Snoke AKA Darth PLageis AKA Jar Jar Binks (I am a full believer in the Binks theory as well) and that is what Rey will do. I really hope there's a moment in one of the new films when Rey faces off against Ren and says something along the lines of "You want to be Darth Vader? I AM DARTH VADER". It also perfectly explains why she is so powerful. She isn't a Mary Sue. Her power stems from her remembering her past life. Just like Anakin, she is an AMAZING pilot, without any practice. Anakin destroyed the droid control ship at 9 years old in Episode 1. Rey pilots the Millennium Falcon with no prior experience. Rey is great at tools/mechanics. Anakin was great at tools/mechanics. Rey is unusually powerful in the force with no training. So was Anakin. There's no reason to keep her identity a secret if she were Luke's kid. And wouldn't that be a tad bit redundant? The 'I Am Your Father" card has been played with Luke and Ren. Doing it again with Rey would be boring. They have to tie this trilogy to the previous six films in some way, otherwise, what's the point? Found some videos with more information on this. Check em out! I will include the Binks theory videos as well. https://www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w/ https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/3qvj6w/theory_jar_jar_binks_was_a_trained_force_user
Feb 29, 2016 honestly think that could be pretty neat, but doubt it's true still waiting on her to honestly be his sister, and them go the sibling route like in the EU.
Feb 29, 2016 Honestly I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen. What's the point of a new trilogy if it doesn't call back to the previous films and tie up loose plot threads? By sister do you mean Rens sister? Maybe but honestly that feels boring to me in comparison. They say Hayden may be back in some sort of role in Episode 8. I imagine Rey will get another vision where she will see herself as Anakin murdering the Jedi and turning to the dark side.
Feb 29, 2016 i definitely think it's boring in comparison, this is by far the most interesting way they could take it and tie all the trilogies together... but it seems too good for them to have come up with i'm just hoping they go the sibling route because it's more interesting than the remaining options, like what they seem to be doing which is hinting at her being lukes
Feb 29, 2016 I really hope she isn't Luke's kid. That would be so redundant. It does seem to good to be true but man do I hope it is true. and as for the other theory, making Jar Jar the same person as Snoke/Plageuis gets rid of so many plot holes found in the prequels. It would explain so much.
Feb 29, 2016 problem is i really feel that's what they're doing... too many predictable things have been repeated from the OT already with TFA
Feb 29, 2016 Wondering what everyone's rating on these films are now that TFA is out. For me it's 1. TFA 2. ROTJ 3. TESB 4. Star Wars 5. ROTS 6. TPM 7. AOTC (YES I LOVE TFA AND I LOVE ROTJ. Ewoks are my s---.)
Feb 29, 2016 i can't truly put TFA in my personal rankings until i can see something other than a s--- copy of it but TPM/AOTC ROTJ/ROTS TFA ESB ANH
Feb 29, 2016 I honestly didn't dislike the rehashing in TFA. It's my favorite in the series. BUT... They can't do that for 8 and 9. I need something new.
Feb 29, 2016 there were just a few things that sort of bothered me about it, but i was mostly okay with it after a couple viewings, i just hope it takes everything somewhere different in the next couple
Feb 29, 2016 I agree. Loved TFA but we need a new direction. Any guesses/ideas on the name of Episode 8? I like "Star Wars Episode VIII: The Dark Side Cometh"
Feb 29, 2016 I have a few ideas for the title. The Dark Side Cometh The Dark Side Approaches Legends of the Sith The Rise of Thrawn Shadow of the Dark Side (Imagine Rey with Darth Vaders shadow behind her for the poster) To pumped for the next movie. I know a lot of people feel TFA was derivative of ANH, and that may be true, but in a lot of ways, I felt it did ANH better than ANH.
Feb 29, 2016 i feel the same way about ROTJ, it's never bothered me how much it borrowed from that, but having it repeated a second time initially put me off in combination with other things
Feb 29, 2016 TFA was such a letdown tbh. EP III is better than this s---. Lucas at least tried smth new with the prequels instead of remaking the classics like TFA did (poorly).
Feb 29, 2016 Definitely. I just hope there isn't another death star lol. I wouldn't mind a super weapon but do something new. A force powered super weapon would be cool. Some of ya'll lurkin better start posting. This is pretty much the "Bman and Cyreides Love Star Wars thread" now lol.
Feb 29, 2016 d---. Tell us how you really feel lol. I respect your feelings on it but I really don't understand it. I'm so in love with the film. Just saw it for the third time today lmao