Oct 11, 2015 I've listened to The Hills REMIX for about 15 times I think it's time for me to give my unpopular opinion. Anything Em touched this year has been s---( or mediocre for some of y'all) and this song is no different. The major reason behind hating this song is: His voice. His voice itself has deteriorated and I think he knows about it. Him calling himself a "rap bot" might have some truth to it. So even if he sounds monotone, he sounds like a robot and maybe to hide it he forcefully screams into the microphone to diminish his growing disability. Drugs can really f--- up a person's voice(just ask Lindsay Lohan) and Eminem's no exception. Compare his slow rapping on this to his slow monotone voice on Spend Some Time, you can easily tell the difference between the two. But then again, I might be wrong, so I'd like to hear your opinions on this. tl;dr: Drugs f----- up his voice and gave him a lisp so now he sounds really bad no matter what he does. EDIT: I'm talking about 2015 Em
Oct 11, 2015 http://www.entnet.org/content/voice-and-aging After several decades of relatively stable voice, noticeable change can occur in the later years of life. As our bodies age, we lose muscle mass, our mucous membranes thin and become more dry, and we lose some of the fine coordination that we had in younger years. I
Oct 11, 2015 Gotta disagree with C-WIZZY on this one. Medicine man is weird choppy voice for the 1st part and mindless shouting in the 2nd.
Oct 11, 2015 Nas Dre Scarface Snoop Etc. All still sound great. One example of a voice I don't like now and did before is Game
Oct 11, 2015 To my knowledge pills (his drug of choice) don't permanently alter your voice as if he was smoking crack or m---. Plus when he preforms old songs like Renegade he sounds fine.