Mar 17, 2025 A few days late on this, but Kendrick Lamar's 3rd studio album "To p---- A Butterfly" dropped 10 years ago I think most would agree that in the decade since its release, TPAB has skyrocketed to being one of the most important albums in Hip-Hop history. Whether you love it or not, its impact is undeniable. If only we had this though...
Mar 20, 2025 10 years WHAT? Man, I been beefing with time recently and I'm getting more and more surprised everyday how fast this thing flies by. Album is great, massive and probably one of the last REAL classic albums of recent years.
Mar 20, 2025 Boring album. Thankful for King Kunta though. Will never forget the disappointement after listening to the album expecting something incredible like GKMC
Mar 20, 2025 Marsh, I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence. Sometimes I did the same, Abusing my power, full of resentment. Resentment that turned into a deep depression. Found myself screaming in the hotel room. I didn't wanna self destruct. The evils of Supsuck was all around me. So I went running for answers. Until I came home. But that didn't stop survivor's guilt. Going back and forth trying to convince myself the stripes I earned, Or maybe how A-1 my foundation was But while my loved ones was fighting the Continuous war back in the Em SXN, I was entering a new one. A war that was based on moderation and discrimination. Made me wanna go back to the city and tell the eses what I learned. The word was respect. Just because you wore a different flame color than mine, Doesn't mean I can't respect you as a poster Forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these threads If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us But I don't know, I'm no mortal man, maybe I'm just another poster.