Dec 18, 2017 Thats a cool concept to bring some anger into his rhymes.....She definately has Stans stalking her, she's hot also...I think she's in university maybe, not sure..WWGD - What Would Gustavo DO
Dec 18, 2017 I get thats not what the song is about - I just got some stanish vibes from it. Im still trying to figure out all of the stan promotion
Dec 18, 2017 Yeah, the album definately feels disconnected from the rollout...The trump/USA theme is not really major enough to match the album cover...The Stan theme - I havent connected it if there is 1. The Revival medication theme is nonexistant besides his regular drug references...Maybe I havent gotten past the surface, but who knows...If the purpose of the rollout was to throw people off, then I dont think they would have to go to that extreme to keep the album a mystery...Some heads should roll in the marketing dept, its a diservice to Em for them to create this jumbled mess, instead of just dropping a suprise release...
Dec 18, 2017 There isn't a Trump or USA theme at all. I mean yeah it's the revival of the country hopefully and himself. Go check some of the interviews Em did for f---'s sake. Album cover might be misleading but it doesn't have to be political album to use the US flag at all. Stan theme wasn't existed. It's just the end of the Walk on Water he mentions arguably his best song ever and iBelieve track perfectly follows up to those last few bars on Wow. The whole drug theme was just to tease the project. It was obvious from the start there was no drug related theme on the album. Some ppl said Relapse 2 but they were trolling or stupid. Btw, the main point of that drug s--- was AR and actually Em coming to save rap and s--- like that. Basically it's just a promo.
Dec 18, 2017 No, but I do think of Arose as sort of a sequel to the Mr. Mathers skit and beginning of Deja Vu.