Non-Hip-Hop Artists whose career was most positively affected by their death

Started by Big Dangerous, Jun 19, 2018, in Music Add to Reading List

  1. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Jun 19, 2018
    Already seeing ---(rip) being revaluated by those who didn't appreciate his music when he was alive

    Musicians' untimely passings tend to open the door for a more positive outlook on their craft in retrospect, some benefit from this more than others and in different ways

    Michael Jackson for example, was hated by many for the majority of the last act of his career and his death in 2009 allowed his already historic career to start anew and gain the admiration from not only an entire new generation of people worldwide but also acceptance and forgiveness of his actions by those who were there to experience his downfall

    Which artist do you believe had the most positive ripple effect on their music and careers following their demise?

    hip hop or otherwise
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  2. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jun 19, 2018
    big and pac got coated in cakeasauras boo fanny when they died tbh
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  3. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Jun 19, 2018
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  4. grizzyp
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    Jun 19, 2018
    Yeah, but a different time and different level of popularity. Pac and Biggie were on top of the music scene at the time of their deaths. If they lived and were killed today under different circumstances, their legacy would probably look alot different. Xxxtenacion most likely got shot for punching someone's sister or something. No one knows who this dude is. He will be forgotten about in a few weeks just like mr peep was.
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