David Drake's "Bout to Blow" Series for Complex

Started by Charlie Work, Feb 20, 2018, in Music Add to Reading List

  1. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Feb 20, 2018
    The guy who wrote the Keef profile does a series for Complex where he runs down burgeoning hits. His analysis is really substantive and concise. I rarely see rap written about in this manner. Here's a taste:

    Don Ace's street rap milieu may seem overfamiliar, but comes with a contextual tweak here—soft, bright, calming pianos which operate as a kind of musical halo—a song that would have been pro forma in other hands becomes a subversive twist on an old standard. The use of this "positive" musical signifier puts every other aspect in a new light, the unexpected tone suggesting deeper, truer emotions beneath. There's nothing happy about everyone on his block toting a pistol, true. But does this circumstance make happiness an impossibility? In thinking about happiness in the context of a tragic American story, and happiness in the context of violence, it creates a deeper layer of melancholy, a truer one, a reminder that happiness and all other feelings exist only in conjuction with their opposites.

    Here is the latest Bout to Blow article.
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  2. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

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  3. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

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