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Started by Reed Richards, Nov 20, 2019, in Creative Add to Reading List

  1. Reed Richards
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    Nov 20, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
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    Mar 14, 2025
  2. MichaelsMad
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    Nov 23, 2019
    I wont lie to you, if youre serious about getting quality recordings there is a lot to learn. the engineering aspect (mixing) requires a lot of studying and practice. but
    software wise, the standard is going to be Pro tools or Logic. their are several commonly used DAWs (digital audio workstations) but Pro tools is the supreme, logix is close tho. if you get these though make sure your computer has the right specs. id recommend at least a 4 core processor i7 or i9 and minimum 16 GB of ram for pro tools. youll also need an audio interface/Pre amp and a microphone (large diaphragm condenser) not a usb but XLR. I cant really give you any tips on the production side, I know some equipment and programs for them, but I myself don't produce. I can help with any questions as far as engineering/ vocal mixing though. but from the sounds of it you are a ways away from getting to the mixing stage.....also you don't need pro tools, I was just stating its the top tier. I know someone who uses abelton and hes a legit engineer, and his recordings and mixes are as professional as you can get. I use Protools myself though.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  3. MichaelsMad
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    Nov 23, 2019
    Everything that goes into recording, and mixing quality songs can be a little discouraging. I hope that wont stop you from being creative and chasing it though. its worth it in the long run.
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    Reed Richards and FiveOh1 like this.
    Mar 14, 2025
  4. FiveOh1
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    FiveOh1 Fallout

    Nov 24, 2019
    Didn’t sound bad from that short little snip. Think you got some good potential
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    Reed Richards likes this.
    Mar 14, 2025