Politics Do You Vote a Straight Ticket?

Started by Sign Language, Mar 19, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Sign Language
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    Mar 19, 2018
    Seeing as though US midterm elections are comimg up, this seems like a relevant question.

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  2. Enigma
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    Mar 20, 2018
    I’ve only had the opportunity to vote in one election so I can’t feally answer this accurately. However, I wouldn’t be opposed to voting for an independent in a congressional race or something.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  3. Trackz
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    Mar 20, 2018
    The times I have voted, I did vote a straight ticket.
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  4. Howie
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    Mar 22, 2018
    I do not, but it's like 95% Blue. I live in St Pete FL where Republicans aren't completely crazy and obsessed with an imaginary friend who tells them how to live their lives. Here they are just selfish and obsessed with money while being kinda racist.
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  5. CavalierTD
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    Mar 22, 2018
    Nah. I'll vote democrat/republican, it depends on where the politician stands.
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  6. Sign Language
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    Mar 22, 2018
    I haven’t voted yet but i would vote for candidates from multiple parties.
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  7. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Mar 22, 2018
    If the Green Party ran more sensible candidates I might consider voting for them. Super unlikely I’d vote for a Republican. I couldn’t vote for someone in good faith that I’d know is anti-gay marriage & a climate change denier which are core stances for most republicans.
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