Aug 23, 2017 As we all know that everyone in TDE is loyal to one another, closest clique we have today compared to back in the days when camps would only record among themselves and an outside collaboration would be an "event". TDE family is extremely close and bonded outside of their music careers which makes their collaborations have amazing chemistry and sound artistically genuine. Which TDE bromance/bond is your favourite? (include your favourite pic of them). Which collabs would you like to see happen more? Personally my favourite bromance is Zay's and Rock's. All their collabs have been lit as well! Team #ZayRock in the building!!
Sep 2, 2017 Has this thread turned into just being the first people to name a different combination of possible collabs? Anyway, my favourite collab is Black Hippy.
Sep 2, 2017 I thought this thread was about friendship not collabs lol otherwise i would go with what @icecube said Black lip basturd remix vice city say wusup