Freestyle/ I’m new to this so I just want some feed back etc

Started by Theamazingone, Jul 4, 2018, in Creative Add to Reading List

  1. Theamazingone
    Posts: 41
    Likes: 23
    Joined: Mar 15, 2015

    Jul 4, 2018
    This isn’t really about the lyrics, it’s more about the sound of my voice and how it flows, so any feedback would be cool, thanks
    0 0
    Jul 27, 2024
  2. 1 0 1
    Posts: 220
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    Joined: Dec 13, 2014

    1 0 1 Walking on the Moon

    Jul 4, 2018
    Don't drop out of school to pursue a musical career
    0 0
    Jul 27, 2024
  3. Theamazingone
    Posts: 41
    Likes: 23
    Joined: Mar 15, 2015

    Jul 4, 2018
    d---, there goes my game plan
    0 0
    Jul 27, 2024