Jul 1, 2018 Upon release I was worried that over several listens the narration would become stale but my god it still sounds so good I follow word by word Today I seriously thought about killing you I contemplate it, premeditated murder. And I think about killing myself and I love myself way more than I love you When he comes in with I called up my luuuvvvvvv ooonnneeeessss iii caalleeddd uuppp myyy ccoouussiiinnsss I called uupp thhee muusslliimmms said I'm bout to go dumb Perfect song.
Jul 1, 2018 Top 5 no order I Thought About Killing You Ghost Town Violent Crimes Reborn 4th Dimension or CuDi Montage Pusha had a good album but nothing was that level of greatness. Teyanas album is cool but same story and Nas is washed af
Jul 1, 2018 white label instrumental is flawless, but Nas is completely lackluster, should've given it to someone else
Jul 2, 2018 Is good. I just dont feel like revisiting the album though. Nothing really stuck or made me want to go back, same with KSG even though that is great too.