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About Brazilianscammer

i'm a regular guy from brazil
  • Feb 19, 2011
  • Eminem
  • Basketball
  • Last Activity: Jul 31, 2024

Most Posts - September

    1. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You’re a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.
      1 1
      Nirket likes this.
      1. Foster 2021
        Foster 2021 Aug 5, 2021
        0 0
    2. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG It’s better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.
      2 2
      Nirket and DetroitDGAF like this.
    3. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG I failed a spelling test because they asked me how to spell ‘b----’ and I wrote down your name.
      3 3
    4. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG It looks like your face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork.
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    5. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG Your family tree is a cactus, because everybody on it is a prick.
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
      1. theg
        theg Jan 17, 2017
        cactus != tree
        2 2
        Guma and Ordinary Joel like this.
    6. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG If my dog had your face, I would shave his butt and make him walk backwards.
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    7. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG If my dog had your face, I would shave his butt and make him walk backwards.
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    8. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG When you die, I'd like to go to your funeral, but I'll probably have to go to work that day. I believe in business before pleasure.
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    9. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You inspired the slogan, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    10. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG I would love to beat you up, but I have a problem with cruelty to dumb animals.
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    11. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You're a legend in your own mind.
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    12. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my a---.
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    13. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG I feel sorry for you because you are so homely, but I feel even sorrier for other people because they have to look at you.
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    14. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG What are you going to do for a face when the baboon wants his butt back?
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    15. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works
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    16. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You are living proof that God has a sense of humor
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    17. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
      0 0
    18. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      @JMG You’re so stupid you poke your own butt hole
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    19. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
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    20. Brazilianscammer
      Brazilianscammer Jan 17, 2017
      I'm the American dream, I'm the definition of white trash ballin' I'm right back on 'em
      3 3
      Guma, Michael Myers and Nori like this.
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