Posts 6,145
Ratio 1:1.9

About Ezio926

  • Jan 19, 2015
  • Last Activity: Nov 23, 2023

Most Posts - July

    1. JMilliAMC16
      JMilliAMC16 Jan 25, 2020
      Did you miss me?
      0 0
    2. Broccoli Tree
      Broccoli Tree Dec 19, 2017
      f--- doing what you're told, act like a two year old
      1 1
      JMilliAMC16 likes this.
      1. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Dec 19, 2017
        I have to hide these messages, so I don’t get yelled at again :emoji_slight_frown:
        2 2
        Ezio926 and Broccoli Tree like this.
    3. Broccoli Tree
      Broccoli Tree Dec 19, 2017
      f--- am i going, besides psycho when i fantasize starting my whole life over
      0 0
    4. Broccoli Tree
      Broccoli Tree Dec 19, 2017
      whats tomorrow like ? cause tonight im starting life again
      0 0
    5. jmillithauglybasedgod
      jmillithauglybasedgod Dec 1, 2017
      I’m a fa----
      1 1
      Ezio926 likes this.
    6. jmillithauglybasedgod
      jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 28, 2017
      n-----....WHY WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR AVI??????~@COLLEGROVE threadban this Jewish fa----
      3 3
      reesey, QueenOfTheDead and Ezio926 like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 28, 2017
        COLLEGROVE made me do it(sad face)....would you believe me if I told you this is my girlfriend and my daughter?
        2 2
        reesey and Ezio926 like this.
      3. Ezio926
        Ezio926 Nov 28, 2017
        I already know they're not.

        I have to right to use my own avi now, the mods are clearly not interested in making you op. You gotta vote for me if you want to change things
        1 1
        jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
      4. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 28, 2017
        I wasn’t serious about being the OP, I was just f---ing around....and how do you know I’m pulling this bad a--- b----?
        0 0
    7. jmillithauglybasedgod
      jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 25, 2017
      Anne Frank was pretty cute for a Jewish girl in 1940’s Germany
      1 1
      Ezio926 likes this.
    8. jmillithauglybasedgod
      jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 25, 2017
      Does the 926 represent the 926 times I will penetrate your slimy butthole tonight?
      1 1
      Ezio926 likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 25, 2017
        My grandfather was born after the Holocaust, too. He must have had a time machine, and he did he r--- them AFTER killing them or....?
        1 1
        Ezio926 likes this.
      3. Ezio926
        Ezio926 Nov 25, 2017
        Did your mother have you at 13 years old or what?

        My grandfather was born right before the holocaust and he had to move to Canada because of your nazi family!
        1 1
        jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
      4. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 25, 2017
        I think she had me at 26, give or take a year, dickbag. You know you love my superior blood. You’re not good enough for that Ugly Ba$ed Godly avi
        0 0
    9. jmillithauglybasedgod
      1 1
      Ezio926 likes this.
      1. Ezio926
        Ezio926 Nov 25, 2017
        Stfu hitler
        1 1
        jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
      2. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 25, 2017
        s--- a c---, my new Jew boo
        1 1
        Ezio926 likes this.
    10. jmillithauglybasedgod
    11. Ezio926
      Ezio926 Nov 6, 2017
      Did the man who invented to college, go to college?
      4 4
      1. Groovy Tony
        Groovy Tony Nov 6, 2017
        Hmmm okay then
      2. Evad
        Evad Jan 2, 2018
        did the man who invented the pocket p---- have sex
        0 0
    12. Ezio926
      Ezio926 Nov 6, 2017
      Daisy Ridley is bae
      1 1
      Sqrt Sqrt likes this.
      1. SleepyGhost
      2. Big Dangerous
        Big Dangerous Nov 6, 2017
        Yeah Riley Reid is better
        1 1
        jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
    13. Ezio926
    14. Ezio926
      Ezio926 Sep 11, 2017
      I touched a willy in high school once and it was just a little mistake. So, please stop calling me gay.
      1 1
      jmillithauglybasedgod likes this.
      1. jmillithauglybasedgod
        jmillithauglybasedgod Nov 18, 2017
        Wasn’t it a BIG mistake, amirite?
        1 1
        Ezio926 likes this.
    15. Ezio926
      Ezio926 Aug 6, 2017
      It's Everyday Bro
      3 3
      1. dna hits
        dna hits Aug 6, 2017
        With that Disney channel flow
        2 2
    16. Ezio926
      Ezio926 Oct 30, 2015
      Gimme Like plz
      3 3
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