Posts 3,124
Ratio 1:2.7


  • Feb 15, 2011
  • Last Activity: Sep 26, 2019

Most Posts - February

    1. Ricky
      Ricky Jul 12, 2019
      0 0
      1. Crook
        Crook Jul 12, 2019
        florida man called mf doom and eazy-e garbage we must execute him
        1 1
        Ricky likes this.
      2. Ricky
        Ricky Jul 12, 2019
        What, he's a goner if so
        0 0
    2. Jay Zeus
      Jay Zeus Jun 23, 2018
      I actually f--- with you. But you're being facetious with that "nice" part. I'll agree with the rest though. Sure.
      0 0
      1. Lucy
        Lucy Jun 23, 2018
        I thought he was being genuine and honest in my opinion.
        0 0
    3. Pato v3
      Pato v3 Jan 2, 2016
      you are wierd and gay as f---
      0 0
      1. Mano
        Mano Jan 2, 2016
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, theg and Michael Myers like this.
      2. Michael Myers
        Michael Myers Jan 2, 2016
        Thats how a dutch person could write it
        0 0
      3. Kevin
        Kevin Jan 2, 2016
        Slow ya roll Pato..
        1 1
        theg likes this.
    4. reservoirGod
    5. snowpapercut
      snowpapercut May 15, 2011
      you are wierd and gay as f---
      0 0
    6. TheWatcher2001
      TheWatcher2001 May 14, 2011
      My bad bro. I took the context of you post wrong.
      0 0
    7. snowpapercut
      snowpapercut May 13, 2011
      and i agree
      0 0
    8. snowpapercut
      snowpapercut May 13, 2011
      my friend said ur a fa----
      0 0
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