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About JFK

  • Feb 15, 2011
  • Last Activity: Jul 14, 2024

Most Posts - July

    1. RetiredAccount
      RetiredAccount Jul 7, 2020
      Have you watched Dave on FX yet
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      2. DKC
        DKC Jul 7, 2020
        also was pleasantly surprised. I almost stopped after the first episode cuz some of the jokes are so forced. it gets better when it gets more into the mental health stuff (wish they explored that more) as well as the race stuff w/ charlamagne in the last ep. Hope it continues down that road instead of being an outlet for excess d-ck jokes.
      3. RetiredAccount
        RetiredAccount Jul 7, 2020
        Definitely felt the same about it going in but the cast is great and the cringe humor is surpassable
        1 1
        DetroitDGAF likes this.
      4. DetroitDGAF
        DetroitDGAF Jul 8, 2020
        Definitely was better than I expected for sure, like yea honestly Dave is goofy n cringe right... but he’s also smart as f---. This was a good move n I’m dying for S2
        1 1
        RetiredAccount likes this.
    2. RetiredAccount
      RetiredAccount Mar 5, 2018
      3 days til that new LD, you excited bro?
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    3. Oldboy
      Oldboy Apr 24, 2017
      Jared, when i see a picture of you, for a hesitant second my mind wonders "would you go for it?"..i hesitate to answer and gently my inner self telling me "nah b, you straight"..huh...you hold the beauty to make a straight mind wanders around
      7 7
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Apr 24, 2017
        pretty gay
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, 83837477 and Kush Gawd like this.
    4. Ordinary Joel
      Ordinary Joel Mar 2, 2016
      Happy Birthday man!
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    5. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Dec 24, 2015
      Merry Christmas/Christmas eve :daps:
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
    6. Cain
      Cain Aug 13, 2015
      hey lol can u plz stop locking my threads u big meanie
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      CODEiNE DEMON Jan 3, 2015
      Hey, did you plug sxn80 on the ktt subreddit a while back?
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      2. CODEiNE DEMON
        CODEiNE DEMON Jan 3, 2015
        Bruuuuuuh you're the reason I found this site lmao.
        1 1
        gorealsteady likes this.
      3. CODEiNE DEMON
        CODEiNE DEMON Jan 4, 2015
        I was tryna figure out why ktt hadn't approved me for the last 5 months then I saw ur post and was like oh cool

        So yeah, uh thanks I guess lol
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      4. gorealsteady
        gorealsteady Jan 7, 2016
        Legendary moment tbh :banderas:
        2 2
        CODEiNE DEMON and JFK like this.
    9. thestaninme
      thestaninme Dec 5, 2014
      whos that in your dp
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    10. Weezy
      Weezy Jun 23, 2011
      f--- you fa----
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    11. Dan
      Dan Jun 6, 2011
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    12. Ayo
      Ayo Jun 2, 2011
      looolll ????
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    13. Zigamorph
      Zigamorph May 28, 2011
      no hard feelings i just hate porter man.
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    14. SkinnyB24
      SkinnyB24 Apr 28, 2011
      i think i just cried at the s--- you posted on the rep you gave me lmao.
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    15. tha411
      tha411 Feb 20, 2011
      This isnt school f---ing idiot btw hows things out in Kansas you f---ing lame..Btw ur pic wasnt funny..neither was your post..Bet your still a virgin arent you?..Next time nerds like you keep your comments to yourself i know this is probably more attention than you have ever seen in your life so hope i made your day h---..Oh i got something for you...(reaches in pocket)..pulls out a middle finger...now go s--- a d-ck and dont comment on my posts ever again..smfh
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