Krazee D
Posts 639
Ratio 1:1.1

About Krazee D

  • Feb 15, 2011
  • Last Activity: Jan 15, 2025

Most Posts - March

    1. Kon
      Kon May 14, 2011
      Koniving Kon, I'll go on now for a bit.
      0 0
    2. Kon
      Kon May 14, 2011
      Yeah that'd be cool, hit me up sometime on AIM maybe. I know neither of us have used it in a while, but why not?
      0 0
    3. Kon
      Kon May 14, 2011
      Naw, I don't unfortunately man. I have AIM but that's about it, and I rarely use it, lol. We can always discuss things about the list either in PM or on AIM though, whatever works.
      0 0
    4. atheem
      atheem Feb 17, 2011
      0 0
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