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About Mano

  • Feb 15, 2011

Most Posts - July

    1. Mano
      0 0
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JMG
        JMG Jan 23, 2023
        wasnt giving you a choice lol
        0 0
      3. Amarett
        Amarett Mar 27, 2023
        0 0
      4. Mano
        Mano May 22, 2023
        0 0
    2. DeletedAccount
      2 2
      Mano and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DeletedAccount
        DeletedAccount Jan 20, 2019
        ya my bad /: how are you??
        0 0
      3. Mano
        Mano Jan 20, 2019
        Good. Where'd you run off to? :O
        0 0
      4. DeletedAccount
        DeletedAccount Jan 20, 2019
        (: and lol no where really. missed you!
        0 0
    3. Mano
      Mano Dec 10, 2018
      wtf is this low quality banner of some unknown?
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and MAXHAMPTON like this.
      1. pluto✰
        pluto✰ Dec 10, 2018
        idk but he looks like you
        3 3
      2. Mano
        Mano Dec 11, 2018
        why you gotta come at me like that d---
        0 0
      3. pluto✰
        pluto✰ Dec 11, 2018
        yo bro, heard you dropped a new single?
        1 1
        Mano likes this.
    4. Mano
      Mano Sep 26, 2017
      If you Google Jay Zeus' real name you can see he is listed as a sex offender lol. We should have him banned
      8 8
      1. theg
        theg Sep 27, 2017
        3 3
      2. Lucy
        Lucy Sep 27, 2017
        hey man don't PM me a link, or his real name. that is sensitive information that I would not want to see.
        2 2
        Sqrt Sqrt and Ordinary Joel like this.
      3. Poly
        Poly Sep 12, 2018
        I wanna see it. The world needs to know.
        0 0
    5. Mano
      Mano Sep 20, 2017
      Meeting my baby girl today :)
      7 7
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mano
        Mano Sep 20, 2017
        Yup. All healthy too
      3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sep 20, 2017
        tell her i said nmu
        2 2
        Sqrt Sqrt and Ordinary Joel like this.
      4. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Sep 21, 2017
        Congrats Papa Mano! :wiggins:
        3 3
        SleepyGhost, Sqrt Sqrt and Mano like this.
    6. Mano
      Mano Aug 26, 2017
      Logging in to Jay Zeus statuses top 3 worst feelings OAT
      5 5
    7. Mano
      Mano May 19, 2017
      Bring back Gaming sxn on its own, you c----
      5 5
      1. Lucy
        Lucy May 19, 2017
        2 2
        Sqrt Sqrt and Ordinary Joel like this.
    8. Mano
      Mano May 10, 2017
      Felt my baby girl kick for the first time :'(
      11 11
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Alchemist34
        Alchemist34 May 11, 2017
        thought she was already born
        2 2
        SleepyGhost and Sqrt Sqrt like this.
      3. Mano
        Mano May 11, 2017
        Thanks Joel and how Alch? I only mentioned her like 6 weeks ago loool
        3 3
      4. Alchemist34
        Alchemist34 May 11, 2017
        Oh yeah you were gonna name her Francina
    9. Mano
      Mano Apr 28, 2017
      Anyone leaving 4 statuses in a row should get hit by a 16-wheeler
      9 9
      1. always humble
        always humble Apr 28, 2017
        Imagine being an ugly bald guy at 30
      2. Mano
        Mano Apr 28, 2017
        I'm trying but I can't
    10. Mano
      Mano Apr 19, 2017
      @Mike Tyson @Koolo change the "film" thumbnail to "film & gaming" or something smh didn't even know the sections got merged
      8 8
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Final
        Final Apr 20, 2017
        It's 2017 we s--- d-ck now in preparation of 3.0 don't worry 7 months from now the merged sections will make sense!
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Alchemist34
        Alchemist34 Apr 20, 2017
        this is like globalization
      4. Mano
        Mano Apr 20, 2017
        vbv got me f---ing triggered rn
    11. Mano
      Mano Mar 31, 2017
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and Thy like this.
    12. Mano
      Mano Mar 21, 2017
      f---ing Lit and i dont usually use that word
      2 2
      Trackz and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. ray simpson
        ray simpson Mar 21, 2017
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      2. ManoFan
        ManoFan Apr 1, 2017
        Make sure you never do again
        0 0
      3. Mano
        Mano Apr 1, 2017
        danny back, it's lit
        0 0
    13. Mano
      Mano Jan 24, 2017
      + |
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. Proto
        Proto Jan 24, 2017
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Mano like this.
    14. Mano
      Mano Jan 4, 2017
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
    15. Mano
      Mano Dec 17, 2016
      Peppa Pig & chill
      7 7
      1. Loyalty
        Loyalty Dec 18, 2016
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      2. Mano
        Mano Dec 18, 2016
        0 0
    16. Mano
      Mano Dec 12, 2016
      This J. Cole album is the worst album I've ever listened to
      8 8
      Ordinary Joel, theg, Thy and 5 others like this.
      1. Skippy
        Skippy Dec 12, 2016
        It requires a certain level of intelligent's
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, Jehovah and Lil Squeed like this.
    17. Final
      Final Nov 10, 2016
      Imagine being Mano and never logging in again I love you sweet boy
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and marmin shkreli like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mano
        Mano Nov 12, 2016
        I'm around, boys
        2 2
        Final and Skippy like this.
      3. Skippy
        Skippy Nov 13, 2016
        1 1
        Final likes this.
      4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nov 13, 2016
        Mano loves boys????
        2 2
        Skippy and Final like this.
    18. Nori
      Nori Aug 30, 2016
      Zezak >>
      5 5
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mano
        Mano Aug 30, 2016
        And the first thing she saw was @Nori of all people? Now she's never joining
        3 3
        Skippy, Ordinary Joel and Nori like this.
      3. Isabella
        Isabella Aug 30, 2016
        I was careful. Had to place my thumb conveniently to cover that last comment of his ^ ...
      4. Mano
        Mano Aug 30, 2016
        Not enough fingers to cover the rest of his pervert comments. You disgust me, @Nori
    19. Michael Myers
      Michael Myers Aug 30, 2016
      Ziyech >>
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
      1. Mano
        Mano Aug 30, 2016
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Michael Myers like this.
      2. Michael Myers
        Michael Myers Aug 30, 2016
        Glad he didn't choose for Fenerbache or Swansea, hope he can help turn things around
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Mano
        Mano Aug 30, 2016
        They never stood a chance. Ajax made the best offer, even over Swansea.
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Michael Myers like this.
    20. Mano
      Mano Aug 24, 2016
      imagine being as upset as red rum is right now on a beautiful wednesday morning
      4 4
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