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About Pixel

  • Dec 2, 2014
  • Last Activity: Aug 31, 2022

Most Posts - July

    1. Pixel
      Pixel Apr 5, 2017
      F5 on lock
      2 2
    2. Jordan
      Jordan Mar 10, 2016
      Happy birthday bro :daps:
      1 1
      Pixel likes this.
      1. Pixel
        Pixel Mar 10, 2016
        Thanks man
        1 1
        Jordan likes this.
    3. Ordinary Joel
      Ordinary Joel Mar 10, 2016
      Happy Birthday man!
      2 2
      Jordan and Pixel like this.
      1. Pixel
        Pixel Mar 10, 2016
        Thanks fam
        2 2
        Jordan and Ordinary Joel like this.
    4. Pixel
      Pixel Sep 15, 2015
      next minute sxn80 gonna throw a funeral for final
      1 1
      Mimi likes this.
    5. Pixel
      Pixel Sep 14, 2015
      So im still confused as to why the night theme isnt just the default sxn80 theme....
      0 0
      1. CODEiNE DEMON
        CODEiNE DEMON Sep 14, 2015
        0 0
    6. Pixel
      Pixel Sep 14, 2015
      She got dat marshmallow booty doe
      2 2
      Mimi and Deadpool like this.
    7. Pixel
      Pixel Sep 13, 2015
      Not being able to sleep is cool
      1 1
      Deadpool likes this.
    8. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 15, 2015
      I think siri is a catfish...
      0 0
    9. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 15, 2015
      Smells all of you smelling
      1 1
      CODEiNE DEMON likes this.
    10. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 15, 2015
      I smells
      1 1
      CODEiNE DEMON likes this.
    11. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 15, 2015
      What's a sharknado?
      2 2
      Deadpool and sxneighty123 like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Aug 15, 2015
        it was a joke dickhead
        0 0
      3. Pixel
        Pixel Aug 15, 2015
        I am very confused how this all relates to my s-----y status.....
        0 0
      4. Deadpool
        Deadpool Aug 15, 2015
        its a movie I think
        0 0
    12. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 15, 2015
      This new b.o.b. Is dope
      0 0
    13. Pixel
      Pixel Aug 14, 2015
      Im way too drunk atm to be on here tbh.....
      0 0
    14. sxneighty123
      sxneighty123 Apr 17, 2015
      Scooby Doobie Doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      1 1
      Pixel likes this.
      1. Pixel
        Pixel Apr 17, 2015
        You know why his middle name is 'doobie'?
        0 0
      2. sxneighty123
        sxneighty123 Apr 17, 2015
        It was always a mystery when I was a kid :emoji_slight_frown:
        0 0
      3. Pixel
        Pixel Apr 17, 2015
        0 0
    15. Peter Parker
      Peter Parker Mar 25, 2015
      hey man what's up
      I saw you mentioned the swans in a thread, are you a godspeed fan by any chance? they're releasing an album in 5 days but it's already available for streaming/downloading in some sites
      1 1
      Pixel likes this.
      1. Pixel
        Pixel Mar 25, 2015
        Yeah i love swans,
        Unfortunately i have not gotten around to checking out godspeed yet :/
        0 0
      2. Peter Parker
        Peter Parker Mar 25, 2015
        oh ok :emoji_thumbsup: I like swans too, you'll probably enjoy godspeed as well man, they make great music!
        0 0
    16. J WALK
      J WALK Dec 2, 2014
      Welcome to the site
      1 1
      Pixel likes this.
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