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About Supersonic

Most Posts - July

    1. Supersonic
      Supersonic Mar 21, 2022
      JCS - Crime Psychology is the greatest YouTube channel. Hope it comes back one day.
      0 0
      1. Sign Language
        Sign Language Mar 22, 2022
        Not likely but there’s a few channels that are the same format
        0 0
      2. Supersonic
        Supersonic Mar 22, 2022
        JCS inspired ones don’t do it for me. Nowhere the charm and insight as JCS.
        1 1
        Sign Language likes this.
    2. Supersonic
      Supersonic Feb 17, 2022
      Yellow Brick Road is a classic Em song >>
      5 5
      J630, Alpha, parentaladvisory and 2 others like this.
      1. Mudkip
        Mudkip Feb 17, 2022
        Top 3
        1 1
        Supersonic likes this.
    3. Supersonic
      Supersonic Nov 12, 2021
      Marsh should not have opinion on anything related to music.
      2 2
      Marsh and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. CSA
        CSA Feb 2, 2022
        That shows how much of an idiot you are. LOL
        0 0
      2. Supersonic
        Supersonic Feb 17, 2022
        Go talk about his skin, weirdo.
        0 0
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