Overwatch - Quick Play vs Arcade for Boxes

Started by G H I L, Feb 17, 2018, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. G H I L
    Posts: 764
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    G H I L I’m the black Christian Grey

    Feb 17, 2018
    Do you guys feel like you earn boxes quicker playing quick play vs arcade for weekly three boxes? I feel like it's very rare to find a competent team in Arcade for the various game modes, vs just playing a normal QP and ranking up and getting a box.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  2. Proto
    Posts: 6,620
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    Proto drippin so pretty

    Feb 17, 2018
    i killed a duo with just a pickaxe at titled towers earlier tonight
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    Jul 27, 2024
  3. G H I L
    Posts: 764
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    G H I L I’m the black Christian Grey

    Feb 17, 2018
    Pics or didn’t happen
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    Jul 27, 2024