
Started by Just Silver, Oct 24, 2020, in Creative Add to Reading List

  1. Just Silver
    Posts: 75
    Likes: 87
    Joined: Oct 23, 2020

    Oct 24, 2020
    Its the recovery f--- up
    Smoke bud and bust nuts
    Whilst in sober living oh gotta be kidding
    But nope dodging tests like wrenches
    I just wanna feel my best stupendous
    But they won't let us
    So we gotta make the rules budge
    Get f----- up
    Or ill end up smoking a million packs
    Of cigarettes to much anxiety i can't relax
    Im just on tracks like trains in which i gave your b----
    Spit it so sick belemic in this b----
    Flush the puke that's my que
    To do what i do let your ears consume
    Words for thought hotness dropped
    I've gotten off
    This recovery isn't what it seems to be
    I just want my drugs no pain
    Switch them feel thegains
    But i may barely ever see them a -gain
    High as airplanes sativa strains
    0 0
    Sep 14, 2024